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It's a part of > European population conference - proceedings - 23-26 march 1993, Geneva, Switzerland / organized by United nations economic commission for Europe, Council of Europe, United nations populations fund Monographic text Warrendale - TMS, 1994 It's a part of > ?1- ?Basic principles Monographic text Greenbelt - High Energy Astrophysics Archive Research Center at NASA, 1994 It's a part of > Rosat - the images / prepared by B. O'Neel ... (et al) Monographic text Warrendale - TMS, 1994 It's a part of > ?1- ?Basic principles Monographic text 1.- / J. Hoffman-Jorgensen New York, (etc.) - Chapman & Hall, c1994 It's a part of > Probability with a view toward statistics / J. Hoffmann-Jorgensen Monographic text 1/ Coordinator William J.Chancellor It's a part of > Advances in soil dynamics / editorial board Shrinivasa K. Upadhyaya ... (et al.) Monographic text 1/ Norman L. Johnson, Samuel Kotz, N. Balakrishnan New York (etc.) - Wiley, ©1994 It's a part of > Continuous univariate distributions / Norman L. Johnson, Samuel Kotz, N. Balakrishnan Monographic text Rockville (Md.) - United States Pharmacopeial Convention, c1994 It's a part of > USP 22. - the United States Pharmacopeia, 22. revision ; NF 17. - the National Formulary, 17. ed. Supplement / by authority of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention Monographic text Rockville, MD - Unite States Pharmacopeial Convention, ©1994 It's a part of > The United States pharmacopoeia - USP 22. The National formulary - N.F. 17 Monographic text 10 violent women / regia di Ted Mikels ; sceneggiatura James Gordon White, Ted Mikels ; (con) Sherri Vernon, Dixie Lauren. - Cincinnati - Video Watchdog, 1994. - 1 videocassetta (VHS) (97 min.) - col., son. - Prod. orig. 1982. - Il film fa parte della sezione video Nostri mostri quotidiani. - Il film e' stato distribuito in Italia con il titolo "Dieci donne violente" It's a part of > MystFest 15. - Festival Internazionale del giallo e del mistero = International Mystery Film Festival Audiovisual 100 great pasta recipes New York - Des Moines, c1994 Monographic text 10- (Reti Solovets - micropaedia - ready reference Chicago (etc. - Encyclopaedia Britannica, c1994 It's a part of > The new Encyclopaedia Britannica Monographic text 10- includes cumulative indexes Detroit etc. - Gale research, ©1994 It's a part of > Contemporary musicians - profiles of the people in music / Michael L. LaBlanc, editor ; poi Julia M. Rubiner ; poi Suzanne M. Bourgoin Monographic text 10- Mechanics, classical to Monte-Carlo methods / edited by George L. Trigg ; associate editors Eduard S. Vera, Walter Greulich New York (etc.) - VCH, ©1994 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of applied physics / edited by George L. Trigg ; associate editors- Eduardo S. Vera, Walter Greulich ; managing editor- Edmund H. Immergut ; assistant managing editor- Gordon A. Dana ; ... Monographic text 10- Microsphere technology and applications to nuclear magnetic resonance in pharmaceutical technology / editors James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan New York ; Basel ; Hong Kong - Marcel Dekker, c1994 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of pharmaceutical technology / editors James Swarbrick, James C. Boylan Monographic text |