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Philadelphia - The Charles press, c1994 Monographic text The Emily Dickinson Journal / The Emily Dickinson International Society Niwot - University press of Colorado, 1992 Magazine Emissions of greenhouse gases in the United States - 1987-1992 / Energy Information Administration Washington - EIA, 1994 Monographic text Emory international law review Atlanta - Emory University School of Law Magazine Emory law journal Atlanta - Emory university school of law, c1974- Magazine Emotion - theory, research, and experience / edited by Robert Plutchik, Henry Kellerman Boston etc. - Academic press, c1980- Monographic text Emotion and culture - empirical studies of mutual influence / edited by Shinobu Kitayama and Hazel Rose Markus Washington - American Psychological Association, ©1994 Monographic text Empathy, form, and space - problems in German aesthetics, 1873-1893 / Robert Vischer ... and others ; introduction and translation by Harry Francis Mallgrave and Eleftherios Ikonomou Santa Monica - The Getty center for the history of artand the humanities, c1994 Monographic text Empire / a cura di Anthony McGrew London - Hodder & Stoughton in association with the Open University, 1994 Monographic text Empirical perspectives on object relations theory / edited by Joseph M. Masling and Robert F. Bornstein Washington - American Psychological Association, c1994 Monographic text Empirical studies of strategic trade policy / edited by Paul Krugman and Alasdair Smith Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1994 Monographic text Employee representation - alternatives and future directions / edited by Bruce E. Kaufman and Morris M. Kleiner Madison, WI. - Industrial Relations Research Association, c1993 Monographic text Employment law / by Marck A. Rothstein ; Charles B. Craver ... and others St. Paul, Minn. - West publishing, 1994 Monographic text The employment review - published quarterly by Bureau of research and statistics division of placement and unemployment insurance New York - State department of labor Magazine En route to modern growth - Latin America in the 1990s - essays in honor of Carlos Diaz-Alejandro / Gustav Ranis editor Washington - Inter-American development bank, 1994 Monographic text |