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New York etc. - John Wiley & sons, c1994 Monographic text Handbook of public sector labor relations / edited by Jack Rabin ... (and others) New York - Marcel Dekker, c1994 Monographic text Handbook of qualitative research / Norman K. Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln editors Thousand Oaks etc. - Sage, c1994 Monographic text Handbook of regulation and administrative law / Edited by David H. Rosenbloom, Richard D. Schwartz New York etc. - Marcel Dekker, 1994 Monographic text Handbook of reliability engineering / ed. by Igor A.Ushakov New York - John Wiley and sons , c1994 Monographic text Handbook of reliability engineering / edited by Igor A. Ushakov ; updated american editio by Igor A. Ushakov and Robert A. Harrison New York (etc.) - John Wiley and Sons, c 1994 Monographic text Handbook of research in language development using CHILDES / edited by Jeffrey L. Sokolov and Catherine E. Snow Hillsdale ; Hove, UK - Lawrence Erlbaum associates, 1994 Monographic text Handbook of research on science teaching and learning - a project of the National science teachers association / edited by Dorothy L. Gabel New York - Macmillan ; Toronto - Maxwell Macmillan Canada, c1994 Monographic text The handbook of research synthesis / edited by Harris Cooper and Larry V. Hedges New York - Russell Sage, 1994 Monographic text Handbook of sampling methods for arthropods in agriculture / edited by Larry P. Pedigo and G. David Buntin Boca Raton etc. - CRC press, c1994 Monographic text Handbook of social cognition / edited by Robert S. Wyer Jr., Thomas K. Srull Hillsdale ; Hove - Erlbaum, 1994 Monographic text Handbook of social psychology / Edited by Gardner Lindzey Cambridge, Mass. - Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1956- Monographic text The handbook of social psycology / ed. by Gardner Linzey and Elliot Aronson Reading, Mass. ?etc.? - Addison Wesley Publ. Co., 1968- . Monographic text Handbook of solid waste management / Frank Kreith editor New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c1994 Monographic text Handbook of techniques for aquatic sediments sampling / edited by Alena Mudroch, Scott D. MacKnight Boca Raton (etc.) - Lewis, c1994 Monographic text |