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Statistics of national income and expenditure New York - Statistical office of the United Nations. Departement of Economic Affairs, 1953- Monographic text Nazioni Unite Troisieme conference des Nations unies sur le droit de la mer - documents officiels New York - Nations Unies, 1975 - Monographic text Nazioni Unite The United Nations and Cambodia, 1991-1995 / with an introduction by Boutros Boutros-Ghali New York - Department of public information, United Nations, c1995 Monographic text Nazioni Unite The United Nations and El Salvador, 1990-1995 / with an introduction by Boutros Boutros-Ghali New York - Department of public information, United Nations, c1995 Monographic text Nazioni Unite The United Nations and human rights, 1945-1995 / with an introduction by Boutros Boutros-Ghali New York - Department of public information, United Nations, ©1995 Monographic text Nazioni Unite The United Nations and Mozambique, 1992-1995 / with an introduction by Boutros Boutros-Ghali New York - Department of public information, United Nations, c1995 Monographic text Nazioni Unite The United Nations and nuclear non-proliferation / with an introduction by Boutros Boutros Ghali New York - United Nations, Department of public information, ©1995 Monographic text Nazioni Unite The United Nations and nuclear nonproliferation / with an introduction by Boutros Boutros-Ghali New York - Department of public information, United Nations, c1995 Monographic text Nazioni Unite United Nations conference on the law of treaties between states and international organizations or between international organizations - Vienna, 18 February-21 March 1986 - official records New York - United Nations, 1995 Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Administrative tribunal Judgements of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal New York - United Nations, 1968- Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Administrative tribunal Jugements du Tribunal administratif des Nations Unies (Periodicità irregolare) Magazine Nazioni Unite - Administrative tribunal Jugements du Tribunal Administratif des Nations Unies New York - Nations Unies, 1962- Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Centre for social development and humanitarian affairs International review of criminal policy / United nations office at Vienna, Centre for social development and humanitarian affairs New York - United nations Magazine Nazioni Unite - Comite des droits de l'homme Selection de decisions du Comite des droits de l'homme prises en vertu du protocole facultatif New York - Nations Unies Monographic text Nazioni Unite - Commission economique pour l'Europe - Secretariat Etude sur la situation economique de l'Europe en ... / Nations Unies New York - N.U., 1959 - Magazine |