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Tulsa - SEPM, c1996 Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0834975) Cars - the new and different automobile magazine Greenwich (Connecticut) - Fawcett publication, 1953- Magazine Carte italiane - a journal of Italian studies Los Angeles - UCLA, Department of Italian, 1980- Magazine Cartoons magazine , Chicago - s. n. Magazine Carts '96 - 16th capacitor and resistor technology symposium - March 11-15 1996, New Orleans, Louisiana / sponsored by the Components thecnology institute, Components,packacing, and manufacturing technology society of IEEE, ISHM-the Microelectronics society Huntsville - Components technology institute, c1996 Monographic text The Cary arboretum of the New York botanical garden Millbrook - New York botanical garden, 1971- Magazine Casarett and Doulls toxicology - the basic science of poisons / editor Curtis D. Klaassen ; editors emeriti Mary O. Amdur, John Doull New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, c1996 Monographic text The case against the global economy - and for a turn toward the local / edited by Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith San Francisco - Sierra Club Books, c1996 Monographic text Case histories of geophysics applied t__o civil engineering and public policy Ed. by Paul Michaels and Richard Woods New York - ASCE, c1996 Monographic text The case manager - the official journal of the case management society of America St. Louis (MO) - Mosby Magazine Case studies in contracting and organization / Scott E. Masten, editor New York ; Oxford - Oxford university, 1996 Monographic text Case studies in environmental archaeology / edited by Elizabeth J. Reitz, Lee A. Newsom and Sylvia J. Scudder New York etc. - Plenum press, ©1996 Monographic text Case studies in human ecology / edited by Daniel G. Bates and Susuan H. Lees New York ; London - Plenum press, c1996 Monographic text Case studies in population policy / Department of international economic and social affairs Monographic text Case Western Reserve journal of international law Vol. 1, n. 1 (fall 1968)- Magazine Case-based reasoning- experiences, lessons & future directions / edited by David B. Leake Menlo Park, CA - AAAI Press ; Cambridge, MA ; London - The MIT Press, c1996 Monographic text |