Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1996

Page no. 212 of 1624       

Chemical and engineering news
, Washington - s. n.

Chemical and engineering news
Washington - American chemical society, 1942-

Chemical engineering - with chemical & metallurgical engineering
New York (NY) - McGraw-Hill, 1946-

Chemical engineering - with chemical & metallurgical engineering
New York - McGraw-Hill, 1946-

Chemical engineering education
Gainesville (FL) - Chemical engineering division, American society for engineering education and is edited at the University of Florida

Chemical engineering progress - official publication of the American institute of chemical engineers
New York - American institute of chemical engineers, 1947-1999

The chemical formulary - a condensed collection of valuable, timely, practical formulae for making thousands of products in all fields of industry
Brooklyn, N.Y. - Chemical Pub. Co., 1933-

Chemical hazards, mitigation and preparedness in areas of high seismic risk - a methodology for estimating the risk of post-earthquake hazardous materials releases / by H. A. Seligson ... (and others)
Buffalo - National center for earthquake engineering research, 1996
Monographic text

The chemical industry in ... - annual review / Economic Commission for Europe
New York - United Nations Publications, 1993-

Chemical markers for processed and stored foods / edited by Tung-Ching Lee and Hie-Joon Kim
Washington - American chemical society, 1996
Monographic text

3- Chemical methods / editorial committee, D. L. Sparks ... and others
Madison, Wi - Soil science society of America ; American society of agronomy, 1996
It's a part of > Methods of soil analysis
Monographic text

Chemical modification of lignocellulosic materials / edited by David N.S. Hon
Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC Press, c1996, stampa 2009
Monographic text

Chemical mutagens - principles and methods for their detection
New York ; London - Plenum press, 1971-

Chemical mutagens - principles and methods for their detection / edited by Alexander Hollaender and Frederick J. de Serres
New York ; London - Plenum Press, 1976-1984
Monographic text

Chemical reaction networks - a graph-theoretical approach / Oleg N. Temkin, Andrew V. Zeigarnik, Danail Bonchev
Monographic text

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