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(Beltsville?) - Hand papermaking Magazine Hand papermaking newsletter Beltsville - Hand papermaking Magazine Hand surgery update 1. / Roger K. Khouri and William C. Pederson guest editors Philadelphia (etc. - W. B. Saunders, (©1996 It's a part of > Clinics in plastic surgery - an international quarterly Monographic text (13)- Handball - explanatory book (The place of publication is not referred - s.n., 1996?) It's a part of > Games of the 26. Olympiad - Atlanta 1996 - explanatory books Monographic text Handbook / Brookline Public Library 1(1896)- Magazine Handbook for environmental risk decision making - values, perceptions, & ethics / (edited by) C. Richard Cothern Boca Raton etc. - Lewis Publishers, c1996 Monographic text Handbook for the Revised Common Lectionary / Peter C. Bower, editor Louisville, Ky. - Westminster John Knox Press, c1996 Monographic text Handbook of adolescent health risk behavior / edited by Ralph J. DiClemente, William B. Hansen and Lynne E. Ponton New York - Plenum Press, ©1996 Monographic text Handbook of aging and the social sciences / editors Robert H. Binstock and Lind K. George ; associate editors Victor W. Marshall, George C. Myers and James H. Schulz San Diego, Ca etc. - Academic press, 1996 Monographic text Handbook of aging and the social sciences / editors Robert H. Binstock and Linda K. George ; associate editors Victor W. Marshall ... and others San Diego etc. - Academic press, c1996 Monographic text Handbook of antioxidants / edited by Enrique Cadenas, Lester Packer New York (etc.) - M. Dekker, c1996 Monographic text The handbook of asset/liability management - state-of-the-art investment strategies, risk controls and regulatory requirements / Frank J. Fabozzi and Atsuo Konishi editors Chicago etc. - Irwin professional publishing, c1996 Monographic text Handbook of behavioral neurobiology New York, N.Y. - Plenum press, 1978- Magazine Handbook of biological effects of electromagnetic fields / edited by Charles Polk, Elliott Postow Boca Raton, FL etc. - CRC, c1996 Monographic text Handbook of case histories in failure analysis / Robert C. Uhl, director of reference publications ... and others Materials Park - ASM international, 1992 - Monographic text |