Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1996

Page no. 598 of 1624       

Music of the florentine renaissance / edited by Frank A. D'Accone

Music perception
Berkeley, CA - University of California press, 1983-

Music reference services quarterly
Binghamton, N.Y. - Haworth Press, 1992-

Music theory spectrum - the journal of the Society for music theory
Bloomington - Indiana university school of music, 1979-

Musica Franca - essays in honor of Frank A. D'Accone / edited by Irene Alm, Alyson McLamore and Colleen Reardon
Stuyvesant - Pendragon, c1996
Monographic text

Musica judaica / American Society for Jewish Music ; Neil W. Levin
23 cm. (Descrizione basata- vol. 9, anno 1986/87)

Musical America - International Directory of the Performing Arts
Stati Uniti - K-III Directory Corp., 1996
Monographic text

Musical courier - weekly review of the world's music
New York - Musical Courier company, 1879-

The musical quarterly
New York - G. Schirmer, inc., 1927-

The musical quarterly
New York - G. Schirmer, inc., 1937-

Musical semiotics in growth / edited by Eero Tarasti ; assistants editors Paul Forsell, Richard Littlefield
Imatra ; Bloomington - Indiana University press, 1996
It's a part of > Acta semiotica Fennica
Monographic text

The Muslim almanac - a reference work on the history, faith, culture. and peoples of Islam / Azim A. Nanji, editor
New York etc. - Gale research, 1996
Monographic text

The Muslim world - a quarterly review of history, culture, religions and the christian mission in Islamdom
Hartford - The Hartford seminary foundation, 1948-

The Muslims of Bosnia-Herzegovina - their historic development from the Middle ages to the dissolution of Yugoslavia / edited by Mark Pinson ; with a foreword by Roy p. Mottahedeh
Cambridge (Massachusetts) - distributed for the Center for Middle Eastern studies of Harvard University by Harvard University press, c1996
Monographic text

Mutual funds update / CDA/Wiesenberger investment companies service
Vol. 1, n. 1(29 Feb. 1992)-

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