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Vol. 1, n. 1 (Spring 1990)-vol. 7, 1996 Magazine Progress reports in ethnomusicology Baltimore - SEMPOD laboratory, Department of music, University of Maryland Baltimore county, 1984- Magazine Progressive grocer - the magazine of supermarketing Stanford - Mclean Hunter Media Magazine Progressive labor New York, 1962- Magazine Il progresso italo-americano - first italian daily newaspaper in the United States New York - Il Progresso italo-americano Magazine Proiections of the number of households and families in the United States - 1995 to 2010 / Jennifer Cheeseman Day Washington - Government Printing Office, c1996 It's a part of > Current population reports / US Department of Commerce. Social and Economic Statistics Administration. Bureau of the Census Monographic text Projection methods for integrating population variables into development planning / Department of international economic and social affairs New York - United Nations, 1989- Monographic text Projects & experiments / National library service for the blind and physically, The Library of Congress Washington - NLS Magazine Projunior Milwaukee, Wis. - Kitchen Sink Enterprises, 1971- Magazine Proletariat - a theoretical journal published by the Communist Labor Party USNA Chicago (IL) - Communist Labor Party, (1975 - Magazine Il proletario - Organo dei socialisti italiani negli Stati uniti Paterson - Coop. soc. tipografica editrice Magazine Prometheus San Francisco - George D. Pappageorge Colladius Edition Magazine Prooftexts - a journal of Jewish literary history Baltimore - John Hopkins university press, 1981- Magazine Propaganda, politics, and violence in Cambodia - democratic transition under United Nations peace-keeping / edited by Steve Heder, Judy Ledgerwood ; with a foreword by David Chandler Armonk ; London - M. E. Sharpe, c1996 Monographic text 2- Proper chants and tropes / edited by James Borders Madison (Wisconsin) - E-R Editions, ©1996 It's a part of > Early medieval chants from Nonantola Monographic text |