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1(1905)- Magazine Congressional digest - an indipendent monthly featuring controversies in congress.. Washington DC - congressional digest co Magazine Conn's current therapy Philadelphia - W.B. Saunders, 1984- Magazine Conn's current therapy 1997 - latest approved methods of treatment for the practicing physician / edited by Robert E. Rakel Philadelphia (PA) etc. - W. B. Saunders, ©1997 Monographic text Connecticut journal of international law Hartford - Connecticut Journal of International Law Association, ©1986- Magazine Connection science - journal of neural computing, artificial intelligence and cognitive research Abingdon - Carfax, 1989- Magazine Connectionist-symbolic integration - from unified to hybrid approaches / edited by Ron Sun, Frederic Alexandre Mahwah - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c1997 Monographic text Connective tissue research - an international journal New York - Gordon and Breach science publishers, 1972- Magazine The connoisseur Philadelphia - (s.n.) Magazine Conradiana - a journal of Joseph Conrad studies Lubbock - Texas Tech university Magazine Consciousness and cognition Vol.1, n.1(March 1992)- Magazine The consenquences of imperfect fertility control for children_s survival, health and schooling / Mark R. Montgomery...(and others) Calverton(Maryland, USA) - Macro International Inc., 1997 Monographic text Consequences of growing up poor / Greg J. Duncan, Jeane Brooks-Gunn editors New York - R. Sage Foundation, c1997 Monographic text Conservacion de vidrieras historicas- analisis y diagnostico de su deterioro; restauracion - actas de la reunion - seminario organizado por The Getty conservation institute y la Universidad internacional Menendez y Pelayo, en conjuncto con el Instituto de conservacion y restauracion de bienes culturales - Santander, Espana, 4-8 de julio de 1994 / coordinatores- Miguel Angel Corzo, Nieves Valentin Los Angeles - The Getty conservation institute, 1997? Monographic text Conservation - the GCI newsletter Marina del Rey - The Getty Conservation Institute, 1986-2009 Magazine |