Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 398 of 1590       

IEEE Student journal
New York - IEEE

IEEE technical activities guide / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1980-

IEEE technology and society magazine / IEEE society on social implications of technology
New York - The Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, 1982-

IEEE Transaction on microwave theory
New York - IEEE

IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems
Vol.1, n.1(August 1965)-

IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers for the Group on electronic systems, 1965-

IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York (NY) - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1963-

IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity - a publication of the IEEE superconductivity committee / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1991-

IEEE transactions on automatic control / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, for the Professional technical group on automatic control, 1963-

IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE

IEEE transactions on broadcasting / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - Institute of electrical and electronics engineers, for the Professional technical group on broadcasting, 1963-

IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1991-

IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 1., Fundamental theory and applicatons / a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
New York - IEEE, 1992-2003

IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. 2., Analog and digital signal processing - a publication of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1992-2003

IEEE transactions on communications / Institute of electrical and electronics engineers
New York - IEEE, 1972-

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