Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 430 of 1590       

International labor and working-class history
Champaign - University of Illinois Press, 1976 -

The international law of development - basic documents / compiled and edited by A. Peter Mutharika
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. - Oceana, 1978-
Monographic text

International law on the eve of the twenty-first century - views from the International Law Commission
New York - United Nations, 1997
Monographic text

The International lawyer - a quarterly publication of the section of International law and practice / ABA, American Bar Association
Chicago - ABA, 1966-

The international legal framework for services / compiled and edited by Karl P. Sauvant and Jorg Weber
New York - Oceana, c1992-
Monographic text

International legal materials
Washington - American society of international law, 1962-

International lyric courier - the last note in music news
New York - A. Salmaggi

International mathematics research notices - IMRN
Durham (USA) - Duke University press, (1991)-

International migration and development - the concise report / Population Division United Nations Secretariat
New York - United Nations, 1997
Monographic text

International music calendar / the President's music committee of the people to people program
Washington, D.C. - The Committee, 1959-

International news on fats, oils and related materials- INFORM
Champaign (IL) - American oil chemists' society, (©1990-©1999

International nursing index / sponsored by the American nurses' association
Philadelphia - American journal of nursing company ; Bethesda - National library of medicine, (1966)-

International organization / World peace foundation
Boston - World peace foundation ; (poi) Cambridge, Mass. - MIT, 1947-

International pediatrics - the journal of the Miami Children's Hospital
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan.-Mar. 1986)-

International perspectives on critical care / Vladimir Kvetan, Jean-Louis Vincent and Geoffrey J. Dobb guest editors
Philadelphia (etc. - W. B. Saunders, (©1997
It's a part of > Critical care clinics
Monographic text

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