Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1997

Page no. 744 of 1590       

Smithsonian contributions to the marine sciences
Washington, D. C. - Smithsonian institution press

Smithsonian contributions to zoology
Washington, DC - Smithsonian institution press, 1969-

Smithsonian Physical Tables / Smithsonian Institution
Washington - s.n. , 1896-

Smithsonian year ... - annual report of the Smithsonian Institution for the year ..
Washington - Smithsonian institution, 1965-

Smoking and health bulletin / US Department of Health and Human Services. Office on Smoking and Health
Rockville, 1970-

Social anarchism - a journal of practice and theory
Baltimore - Atlantic Center fo Researc and Education

Social anthropology - the journal of the European association of social anthropologists
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1992-

Social assessments for better development - case studies in Russia and Central Asia / Michael M. Cernea and Ayse Kudat, editors. Introduction by Johannes Linn and Ismail Serageldin
Monographic text

3- Social behavior and applications / edited by John W. Berry, Marshall H. Segall, Cigdem Kagitcibasi
Boston etc. - Allyn and Bacon, c1997
It's a part of > Handbook of cross-cultural psychology / edited by John W. Berry ... et al.
Monographic text

Social behavior and personality / Society for Personality Research
Suva - Society for Personality Research, 1973-

Social biology
(The place of publication is not referred) - American eugenics society ; Chicago (IL) - University of Chicago press, 1969-

Social cognition - a journal of social, personality, and developmental psychology
New York - Guilford, 1982-

Social education - official journal of the National council for the social studies
Washington - National council for the social studies

The social effects of economic adjustment on Arab countries - papers presented at a seminar held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, January 17-18, 1996 / edited by Taher H. Kanaan
Washington (DC) - International monetary fund, 1997
Monographic text

Social forces - a scientific medium of social study and interpretation
Chapel Hill - University of north Carolina Press

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