Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1998

Page no. 564 of 1618       

Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of arts and sciences
New Haven - The Connecticut Academy of arts and sciences

Memoirs of the Cornell university agricultural experiment station
New York - Cornell university, 1913-

Memoirs of the Museum of comparative zoology
Cambridge, Mass. - s.n.

Memoirs of the New York botanical garden
New York - New York botanical garden, 1900-

Memoirs of the San Diego Society of natural history
San Diego - Printed for the society, 1931-

Memoirs of the Southern California academy of sciences
Los Angeles - Southern California academy of sciences

Memoirs of the Torrey botanical club
Lancaster, Pa. - Torrey botanical club, 1896-

Memoirs of the University of California
Berkeley - The University Press, 1908-

Memoirs read before the Boston Society of natural history
Boston - The Society, 1866 -

Memories of the Boston society of natural history
V. 1 (1866/69)-

Memory and cognition - a journal of the Psychonomic society
Austin - The psychonomic society, 1973-

Memory change in the aged / David F. Hultsch... and others
Cambridge - University press, 1998
Monographic text

Memory distortions and their prevention / edited by Margaret Jean Intons-Peterson, Deborah L. Best
Mahwah etc. - LEA, 1998
Monographic text

Memory in neurodegenerative disease - biological, cognitive and clinical perspectives / edited by Alexander I. Troster
Cambridge - University Press, 1998
Monographic text

Memory-based text processing / guest editors- Edward J. O'Brien ... (and others)
Mahwah ; London - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998
It's a part of > Discourse processes - a multidisciplinary journal - official journal of the Society for text and discourse
Monographic text

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