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Whitehouse station - Merck & Co., 1998 Monographic text Mercks archives of the materia medica and its uses - a monthly journal for the practicing physician New York - Merck & Co Magazine Mercury - the journal of the Astronomical society of the Pacific Vol.1, n.1(Jan.-Feb.1972)- Magazine Mere creation science, faith & intelligent design / ed. by William A. Dembski ; foreword by Henry F. Schaefer Downers Grove, Ill. - InterVarsity press, 1998 Monographic text Mergers + acquisitions international Philadelphia - MLR Publishing Company, 1993- Magazine MERIP reports Washington - Middle East research & information project Magazine The Merriam-Webster dictionary Springfield, Mass. - Merriam-Webster, c1998 Monographic text Merrill-Palmer quarterly - Behavior and development Vol.1, n.1(Jan.1972)- Magazine Mershon international studies review / International studies association and Mershon center Cambridge, MA ; Oxford - Blackwell, 1994-1998 Magazine Merveilles & contes / Editor- Jacques Barchilon Boulder (CO) - University of Colorado Magazine Mesozoic and cenozoic sequence stratigraphy of european basins / edited by Pierre Charles de Graciansky ...(and others) Tulsa - SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) Monographic text Mesozoic and cenozoic sequence stratigraphy of European basins / edited by Pierre Charles de Graciansky, Jan Hardenbol, Thierry Jacquin, Peter R. Vail Tulsa (OK) Monographic text Il messaggero - the messenger - weekly Italian newspaper published in both the Italian and English languages New Orleans - (s. n.), 1933- Magazine Il messaggero della salute - rivista mensile d'igiene, di terapia fisio-psichica e di cultura eclettica - organo dell'Associazione Naturopatica Italiana e dell'Associazione Eclettica Universale Chicago, (s.n.) Magazine Il messaggiere italiano dell'Ovest - politica, industria, commercio, letteratura, teatri Chicago - (s.n. (Tip. Italo-americana) Magazine |