Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1998

Page no. 888 of 1618       

Ansell, Martin R.
Oil baron of the southwest - Edward L. Doheny and the development of the petroleum industry in California and Mexico / Martin R. Ansell
Columbus - Ohio State U. P., ©1998
Monographic text

Anthony, David John
White Collar Gothic - tabloid masculinity and urban sensationalism in antebellum America - a dissertation ...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan 1998 / by David John Anthony
Michigan - Ann Arbor, c1998
Monographic text

Anthony, Robert N.
Management control systems / Robert N. Anthony, Vijay Govindarajan
ed. -Boston, Mass. etc. - Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1998
Monographic text

Anthrax (gruppo musicale)
Volume 8 - the threat is real / Anthrax
(The place of publication is not referred) - Ignition, p1998
Audio recording

Antimirov, M. Ya.
Complex variables / M. Ya. Antimirov, A. A. Kolyshkin, Remi Vaillancourt
Sa n Diego etc. - Academic press, c1998
Monographic text

Antiphon (oratore)
Antiphon & Andocides / translated by Michael Gagarin & Douglas M. MacDowell
Austin - University of Texas press
Monographic text

Antiphon (oratore)
1- Antiphon and Andocides / translated by Michael Gagarin and Douglas M. MacDowell
Austin - University of Texas press, 1998
It's a part of > The oratory of classical Greece / translated with notes (by Michael Gagarin
Monographic text

Antiquorum (New York)
Contemporary, limited edition and modern collector's watches and importantcollector's pocket watches, wristwatches and clocks property of various owners to be offered for sale by auction at the Park Lane Hotel, New York ... Tuesday, December 15, 1998 / by Antiquorum
New York - Antiquorum, 1998
Monographic text

Antiquorum (New York)
Important collector's watches, wristwatches and clocks - property of various owners - to be offered for sale by auction at the Omni Berkshire Place Hotel, New York on Saturday, June 20, 1998 / by Antiquorum
New York - Antiquorum, 1998
Monographic text

Antiquorum (New York)
Important collector's wristwatches and pocket watches - property of various owners to be offered for sale by auction at the Omni Berkshire Place Hotel, New York ... Monday, May 11, 1998 ; Important jewelry rare and exotic gemstones / by Antiquorum
New York - Antiquorum, 1998
Monographic text

Anton, Howard
Calculus - a new horizon / Howard Anton
New York etc. - J. Wiley, 1998-1999
Monographic text

Antonakos, James L.
Simulations for operational amplifiers using MicroSim PSpiceR / James L. Antonakos
Upper Saddle River (NJ) - Prentice Hall, c1998
Monographic text

Aparicio, Frances R.
Listening to salsa - gender, latin popular music and Puerto Rican cultures / Frances R. Aparicio
Hanover ; London - Wesleyan University press, c1997
Monographic text

Apel, Otto F.
Mash - an army surgeon in Korea / Otto F. Apel jr., and Pat Apel
Lexington - University press of Kentucky, c1998
Monographic text

Appalachian conference on beavioral neurodynamics (5.)
Brain and values - is a biological science of values possible - proceedings of the fifth Appalachian conference on behavioral neurodynamics / Karl H. Pribram
Mahwah ; London - Lawrence Erlbaum, 1998
Monographic text

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