Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1998

Page no. 894 of 1618       

Ashford, Nicholas Askounes
Chemical exposures - low levels and high stakes / Nicholas A. Ashford, Claudia S. Miller
New York (etc. - Wiley, (©1998
Monographic text

Ashley, James Matthew
Interruptions - mysticism, politics, and theology in the work of Johann Baptist Metz / James Matthew Ashley
Notre Dame (Indiana) - University of Notre Dame, c1998
Monographic text

Ashley, James R.
The Macedonian Empire - the era of warfare under Philip 2. and Alexander the Great, 359-323 B.C. / by James R. Ashley
Jefferson, N.C. - McFarland, ©1998
Monographic text

Ashley, Leonard R. N.
George Alfred Henty and the victorian mind / Leonard R. N. Ashely
San Francisco ; London ; Bethesda - International School Publications, 1998
Monographic text

Ashmawi, Muhammad Said
Against Islamic extremism - the writings of Muhammad Said al-Ashmawy / edited by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban
Gainesville (etc.) - University press of Florida, 1998
Monographic text

Ashworth, Andrew
The criminal process - an evaluative study / Andrew Ashworth
Oxford (etc.) - Oxford University press, 1998
Monographic text

Asimov, Isaac
How did we find out about superconductivity ? / Isaac Asimov - illustrated by Erika Kors
New York - Walker and Company, (1988
Monographic text

Asimow, Michael
State and federal administrative law / Michael Asimow, Arthur Earl Bonfield
St. Paul, Minn. - West, 1998
Monographic text

Aslanov, L. A.
Crystallographic instrumentation / L. A. Aslanov, G. V. Fetisov, and J. A. K. Howard ; edited by J. A. K. Howard
New York ; Oxford - Oxford University press, 1998
Monographic text

ASM International
Powdwer metal, technologies and applications / ASM International. - 10th ed.. - Ohio, USA - ASM Intl, 1998. - XV, $& p.; 28 cm. - (Metals Handbook; 7)
Monographic text

Performance test code on compressors and exhausters - an American national standard / Asme
New York - Asme, c1998
Monographic text

ASME International Gas Turbine Institute
Technology report and product directory - land, sea & air / International gas turbine institute, the American society of mechanical engineers
Atlanta - International gas turbine institute, ASME, c1996-

ASME research and technology committee on water and steam in thermal power systems - properties of steam subcommittee
Asme steam properties for industrial use based on IAPWS-IF97 - professional version as adopted by the International association for the properties of water and steam / prepared by the Properties of steam subcommittee ASME research and technology committee on water and steam in thermal power systems
New York - ASME press, c1998
Monographic text

Asmolov, Alexandr Grigorevic
Vygotsky today- on the verge of non-classical psychology / Alexander G. Asmolov
Commack (New York) - Nova Science, c1998
Monographic text

Aspen institute roundtable on information technology (6. ; 1998 ; Aspen, Colo.)
The global advance of electronic commerce - reinventing markets, management, and national sovereignty - a report of the sixth annual Aspen Institute roundtable on information technology / David Bollier
Washington, DC - Aspen institute communications and society program, 1998
Monographic text

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