Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1999

Page no. 652 of 1606       

Le più belle canzoni di Simba
(The place of publication is not referred) - Walt Disney, (1999)
Audio recording

PKDS - newsletter
Glen Ellen - PKDS, 1983-

PL Progressive labor magazine
Brooklyn, N.Y. - Progressive Labor Party, 1978-

The place of the antique in early modern Europe / a cura di Ingrid D. Rowland ; with contributions by Craig Hanson... and others
Chicago - The David and Alfred Smart Museum of art - The University of Chicago, c1999
Monographic text

The place of the Psalms in the intellectual culture of the Middle Ages / edited by Nancy van Deusen
Albany - State university of New York press, c1999
Monographic text

The places of history - regionalism revisited in Latin America / edited by Doris Sommer
Durham ; London - Duke University Press, 1999
Monographic text

Plain dealer
Philadelphia (PA) - Plain Dealer Collective, 1970-

Planning and design guide - for secure adult and juvenile facilities / Leonard A. Witke
°The place of publication is not referred - ACA, 1999
Monographic text

Planning for Windows 2000 / Eric Cone, Jon Boggs, Sergio Perez
Indianapolis, Ind. - New Riders, c1999
Monographic text

Plant bibliography
New York - Council botanical horticulture libraries

Plant breeding reviews
Westport (Conn.) - Avi publ. co., c1983-

The plant cell
Rockville, MD - American society of plant physiologists, 1989-

Plant cell and tissue culture for the production of food ingredients / edited by Tong-Jen Fu, Gurmeet Singh and Wayne R. Curtis
New York (etc.) - Kluwer - Academic press, c1999
Monographic text

Plant cell culture protocols / edited by Robert D. Hall
Totowa (New Jersey) - Humana press, c1999
Monographic text

Plant engineering
Newton, MA (etc.) - Cahners publ

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