Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1999

Page no. 691 of 1606       

R.P.M. - (revolutions per minute
Detroit (MI - (s.n. , 1970-

RAAPaap analysis 1999 / Arthur Andersen
Monographic text

Rabotniceskaja prosveta - semdicen organ na balgaro-mekedonskaja socialdemokreticeski prosvetitelen sajuz v Amerika
Granite Cyti - s.n.

Race and ethnic conflict - contending views on prejudice, discrimination and ethnoviolence / edited by Fred L. Pincus, Howard J. Ehrlich
Boulder - Westview Press, c1999
Monographic text

Race for the world - strategies to build a great global firm / Lowell Bryan ... and others
Boston - Harvard business school press, c1999
Monographic text

Race in contemporary Brazil - from indifference to inequality / edited by Rebecca Reichmann
University Park (PA) - Pennsylvania State University Press, c1999
Monographic text

Race is ... Race isn't - critical race theory and quantitative studies in education / edited by Laurence Parker, Donna Deyhle, Sofia Villenas
Boulder, CO. ; Oxford - Westview press, 1999
Monographic text

Race, identity and citizenship - a reader / edited by Rodolfo D. Torres, Louis F. MirĂ³n, Jonathan Xavier Inda
Malden etc. - Blackwell, 1999
Monographic text

Race, rhetoric, and the postcolonial / edited by Gary A. Olson, Lynn Worsham
Albany - State university of New York press, c1999
Monographic text

Racial politics in contemporary Brazil / edited by Michael Hanchard
Durham ; London - Duke University Press, 1999
Monographic text

Racing to Regionalize - Democracy, capitalism, and Regional Political Economy / edited by Kenneth P. Thomas, Mary Ann Tetreault
Boulder ; London - Lynne Rienner Publishers, c1999
Monographic text

Racism and philosophy - edited by Susan E. Babbitt and Sue Campbell
Ithaca ; London - Cornell University Press, 1999
Monographic text

Radiactive nuclides in medicine and biology
Philadelphia - Lea & Febiger, 1968- .
Monographic text

Radiation effects and defects in solids
New York - Gordon and Breach, 1989-

Radiation research - official organ of the Radiation research society
New York, NY (etc. - Academic press, 1954-

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