Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 1999

Page no. 1340 of 1606       

National Gallery of Art (Washington)
Art around the corner - multiple visit program fro the D.C. public schools, 1999-2000
Washington - National Gallery of art, (1999?)
Monographic text

National Gallery of Art (Washington)
Teaching art since 1950 / National Gallery of Art
Washington - National Gallery of Art, c1999
Monographic text

National Gallery of Art (Washington)
Western decorative arts
Washington - National gallery of art - Cambridge university press, c1993-
Monographic text

National geographic society
The world physical ; The *world political / National Geographic society
(The place of publication is not referred) - National Geographic society, c1999

National library of medicine (Bethesda)
National library of medicine classification - a scheme for the shelf arrangement of library materials in the field of medicine and its related sciences
Bethesda - U. S. Dept. of health and human services, Public Health service, National institutes of Health, National Library of medicine
Monographic text

National oceanographic data center (Stati Uniti) - Ocean climate laboratory
Documentation and quality control / National oceanographic data center, Ocean climate laboratory
Silver Spring, MD - The Laboratory - The Center, 1999
It's a part of > World ocean database 1998 - CD-ROM data set documentation / M. E. Conkright ... (and others) ; National oceanographic data center, Ocean climat
Monographic text

National oceanographic data center (Stati Uniti) - Ocean climate laboratory
2- Observed level data North Atlantic 0°-30° N South Atlantic / National oceanographic data center, Ocean climate laboratory
Silver Spring, MD - The Laboratory - The Center, 1999
It's a part of > World ocean database 1998 - CD-ROM data set documentation / M. E. Conkright ... (and others) ; National oceanographic data center, Ocean climat
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TSA 0267348)
National oceanographic data center (Stati Uniti) - Ocean climate laboratory
1- Observed level data North Atlantic 30°-90° N / National oceanographic data center, Ocean climate laboratory
Silver Spring, MD - The Laboratory - The Center, 1999
It's a part of > World ocean database 1998 - CD-ROM data set documentation / M. E. Conkright ... (and others) ; National oceanographic data center, Ocean climat
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TSA 0267344)
National oceanographic data center (Stati Uniti) - Ocean climate laboratory
4- Observed level data North Pacific 0°-20° N, South Pacific, Indian / National oceanographic data center, Ocean climate laboratory
Silver Spring, MD - The Laboratory - The Center, 1999
It's a part of > World ocean database 1998 - CD-ROM data set documentation / M. E. Conkright ... (and others) ; National oceanographic data center, Ocean climat
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TSA 0267356)
National oceanographic data center (Stati Uniti) - Ocean climate laboratory
3- Observed level data North Pacific 20°-90° N / National oceanographic data center, Ocean climate laboratory
Silver Spring, MD - The Laboratory - The Center, 1999
It's a part of > World ocean database 1998 - CD-ROM data set documentation / M. E. Conkright ... (and others) ; National oceanographic data center, Ocean climat
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TSA 0267353)
National oceanographic data center (Stati Uniti) - Ocean climate laboratory
5- Standard level data for all ocean basins / National oceanographic data center, Ocean climate laboratory
Silver Spring, MD - The Laboratory - The Center, 1999
It's a part of > World ocean database 1998 - CD-ROM data set documentation / M. E. Conkright ... (and others) ; National oceanographic data center, Ocean climat
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TSA 0267363)
National oceanographic data center (Stati Uniti) - Ocean climate laboratory
World ocean database 1998 - CD-ROM data set documentation / M. E. Conkright ... (and others) ; National oceanographic data center, Ocean climate laboratory
Silver Spring, MD - The Laboratory - The Center, 1999
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU TSA 0267336)
National research Council - Commission on behavioral and social sciences and education - Committee on developments in the science of learning
How people learn - brain, mind, experience, and school / John D. Bransford, Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking editors ; Committee on developments in the science of learning, Commission on behavioral and social sciences andeducation, National research council
Washington (D.C.) - National academy, 1999
Monographic text

National Research Council - Commission on Life Sciences
Chemical and biological terrorism - research and development to improve civilian medical response
Washington - National Academy, 1999
Monographic text

National Research Council - Committee on global change research
Global environmental change - research pathways for the next decade / Committee on global change research, Board on sustainable development, Policy Division, National Research Council
Washington, D.C. - National academy press, c1999
Monographic text

National Research Council (U.S.) - Committee on the Oceans Role in Human Health
From monsoons to microbes - understanding the oceans role in human health / Commitee on the Oceans Role in Human Health, Ocean Studies Board, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources, National Research Council
Washington - National Academy Press, 1999
Monographic text

National research council (U.S.A.) - Committee on Health Risks of Exposure to Radon
Health effects of exposure to radon / Committee on Health risks of exposure to radon, Board on Radiation effects research, Commission on Life sciences, National research council
Washington, D.C. - National Academy Press, 1999
Monographic text

National Research Council U.S.. Committee on Review and Evaluation of the Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program
Carbon filtration for reducing emissions from chemical agent incineration / Committee on Review and Evaluation of the Army Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program, Board on Army Science and Technology, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council
Washington, D.C. - National Academy, c1999
Monographic text

National retail merchants association
Stores / National Retail Merchants Association
New York - National Retail Dry Goods Association, 1947-

Natter, Wolfgang
Literature at war, 1914-1940 - representing the "time of greatness" in Germany / Wolfgang G. Natter
New Haven ; London - Yale university press, c1999
Monographic text

Nau, Jim
Ball culture guide - the encyclopedia of seed germination / by Jim Nau
Batavia, Ill. - Ball Publishing, 1999
Monographic text

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