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San Diego (etc.) - Academic press, c2000 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of microbiology / editor-in-chief- Joshua Lederberg Monographic text 3- L-R Detroit - St. James press, c2000 It's a part of > American women writers - a critical reference guide - from colonial times to the present / editor Taryn Benbow-Pfalzgraf Monographic text 3- L-R Detroit - St. James Press, c2000 It's a part of > American women writers - a critical reference guide - from colonial times to the present / editor Taryn Benbow-Pfalzgraf Monographic text 3- Laws with commentary - Argentina-Hungary / Dennis Campbell editor Dobbs Ferry ; New York - Oceana, 2000 It's a part of > World intellectual property rights and remedies / Dennis Campbell editor Monographic text 3- M-Q / Umberto Quattrocchi Boca Raton etc. - CRC press, c2000 It's a part of > CRC world dictionary of plant names - common names, scientific names, eponyms, synonyms, and etymology / Umberto Quattrocchi Monographic text 3- N-Z, Index San Diego (etc. - Academic Press, ©2000 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of stress / editor-in-chief George Fink Monographic text 3- Oneidas-Yupiat Detroit - Gale Group, c2000 It's a part of > Gale encyclopedia of multicultural America / contributing editor Robert von Dassanowsky ; author of introduction Rudolph J. Vecoli ; edited by Jeffrey Lehman Monographic text 3- P-Z Detroit - St. James Press, c2000 It's a part of > Modern british literature / (edited by Laurie DiMauro) Monographic text 3- rivers and stream - seashore - tundra - wetland / Marlene Weigel Detroit, etc. - U.X.L. an Imprint of The Gale Group, c2000 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of biomes / Marlene Weigel ; Julie L. Carnagie, editor Monographic text 3- S-Z / editor Mary Rose Bomk Farmington Hills . Gale Group, 2000 It's a part of > Worldmark - Yearbook 2000 / editor Mary Rose Bonk Monographic text 3D imaging in medicine / edited by Jayaram K. Udupa, Gabor T. Herman Boca Raton (etc.) - CRC Press, c2000 Monographic text New York - Hemisphere ; (poi) Taylor and Francis, 1989- It's a part of > Physical and thermodynamic properties of pure chemicals - data compilation / T. E. Daubert, R. P. Danner Monographic text New Haven ; London - Yale University Press, ©2000 It's a part of > Perseus 2.0 - interactive sources and studies on ancient Greece / the Perseus project, Gregory Crane, editor in chief Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU BVE 0177063) Bethesda - University publications of America, 2000 It's a part of > Europe and Nato, 1995-1997 - supplement / edited by Robert E. Lester Monographic text Piscataway (N.J.) - IEEE, c2000 It's a part of > IEEE Antennas and propagation society international symposium - transmitting waves of progress to the next millennium - July 16-21, 2000, Salt Lake City, Utah - 2000 digest Monographic text Piscataway (NJ) - IEEE, 2000? It's a part of > Proceedings of the 1999 particle accelerator conference / Editors- A. Luccio, W. MacKay Monographic text |