Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 85 of 1699       

Air pollution engineering manual / Air & Waste Management Association ; edited by Wayne T. Davis
New York etc. - Wiley, c2000
Monographic text

Air safety week
(New York, NY - Pace Publications, c1989- )-

Airport planning and development handbook - a global survey / Paul Stephen Dempsey
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c2000
Monographic text

Airway management / edited by William E. Hurford
Philadelphia, PA - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, (©2000
It's a part of > International anesthesiology clinics - IAC
Monographic text

AJHP - American journal of health-system pharmacy - Official journal of the American society of health-system pharmacists
Vol. 52, n. 1 (1 Jan. 1995)-

AJIC - American journal of infection control
St. Louis (MO) - Mosby, 1992 -

Akwesasne notes - where the partridge drums - official pubblication of the Kahniakehaka nation council of chiefs
Rooseveltown - (s.n. , 1969-

Alabama Staats-Zeitung
New Orleans - Universal Publisching Company

Aladdin - ?la ?vendetta di Nasira / programmatori- Thomas Daniel ... (and others) ; responsabile grafica- Matt Startin ; grafici- Jason Cunningham
Burbank - Disney Interactive, c2000
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU UBO 1564326)
Albania - the official organ of the albanian national and political party - standes for the right cause
Worcester - National and political party

Albanian catholic bulletin - published periodically / by the Albanian catholic information center
Santa Clara - Albanian catholic information center

(2 - Album
Cambridge (Ma) - Harvard university art museum, c2000
It's a part of > Durer's passions / (a cura di Jordan Kantor
Monographic text

Alcmeone - rivista trimestrale di storia della medicina
New York - (s.n.), 1939-

Alcohol - an international biomedical journal
Oxford - Pergamon press

Alcoholism- clinical and experimental research - the official journal of the Research society on alcoholism and International society for biomedical research on alcoholism
Baltimore - Williams & Wilkins

Alexa Kleinbard- talking leaves
Largo (Florida) - Gulf Coast Museum of Art, ©2000
Monographic text

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