Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 251 of 1699       

Credit & financial management - the NACM magazine for credit executives
New York - National association of credit management, -c1987

New York - Warren

Crime and crime control - a global view / edited by Gregg Barak
Westport ; London - Greenwood Press, ©2000
Monographic text

Crime and justice - a review of research
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press

2- Crime and juvenile delinquency / associate editors David Luckenbill, Dennis Peck
Philadelphia (etc.) - Brunner-Routledge, 2000
It's a part of > Encyclopedia of criminology and deviant behavior / Clifton D. Bryant editor in chief
Monographic text

Crime and punishment - inside views / edited by Robert Johnson and Hans Toch
Los Angeles - Roxbury, ©2000
Monographic text

Crime and social justice - a journal of radical criminology
Berkeley - University of California, 1974-

Title 18, 2231 to 2440- Crimes and criminal procedure
St. Paul, Minn. - West Group, c2000
It's a part of > United States code annotated - comprising all laws of a general and permanent nature under arrangement of official code of the laws of the United States with annotations from Federal and State Courts
Monographic text

18- Crimes and criminal procedure, 3161 to 3480
St. Paul, Minn. - West Group, c2000
It's a part of > United States code annotated - comprising all laws of a general and permanent nature under arrangement of official code of the laws of the United States with annotations from Federal and State Courts
Monographic text

Criminal justice / American bar association, Section of criminal justice
Chicago - ABA press for the section of criminal justice, c1986-

Criminal justice administration - cases and material / by Frank W. Miller ... and others
New York, N. Y. - Foundation press
Monographic text

Criminal justice journal
Little River Turnpike - Washington Crime News Services

Criminal law / Stephen A. Saltzburg ... (and others)
New York - Lexis, c2000
Monographic text

Criminal law forum - an international journal / Rutgers University School of Law
Camden (New Jersey) - Rutgers University School of Law, 1989-

Criminology - an interdisciplinary journal / the official publication of the American society of criminology
Beverly Hills, CA - Sage

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