Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 288 of 1699       

2- E. E. Cummings to May Swenson
New York - Literary classics of the United States, c2000
It's a part of > American poetry - the twentieth century
Monographic text

EAFEŽ and world perspective
New York - Morgan Stanley capital international, 1996-

Ear and hearing - the official journal of the American auditory society
Baltimore - Williams and Wilkins, c1980-

2- Ear and hearing to overcorrection
New York (etc.) - J. Wiley & sons, c2000
It's a part of > Encyclopedia of special education - a reference for the education of the handicapped and other exceptional children and adults / edited by Cecil R. Reynolds, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen
Monographic text

Ear, nose & throat journal
New York (NY) - Insight pub., 1976-

Early America re-explored - new readings in colonial, early national, and antebellum culture / edited by Klaus H. Schmidt and Fritz Fleischmann
New York etc. - Peter Lang, c2000
Monographic text

Early american literature / Modern Language Association's American Literature
Chapel Hill (NC) - The University of North Carolina, 1968-

Early cello series

Early China - the annual journal of the society for the study of early China
Berkeley - University of California, 1975-

24- Early Italian masters. Commentary, 3 - (Le peintre-graveur 13 (part.1) / by Mark J. Zucker
New York - Abaris books, 2000
It's a part of > The illustrated Bartsch / general editor- Walter L. Strauss ; poi founding editor Walter L. Strauss ; general editor John T. Spike
Monographic text

Early keyboard journal / Southeastern Historical Keyboard Society
V. 1 (1982-83)- . Athens, GA - Society, 1984-

Early keyboard music - a collection pf pieces written for the virginal, spinet, harpsichord and clavichord / edited by Louis Oesterle ; with an introduction by Richard Aldrich
New York - Schirmer, 1932-

Early medieval chants from Nonantola
Madison (Wisconsin) - A-R Editions, 1996-
Monographic text

Early modern visual culture - Representation, race, and empire in Renaissance England / edited by Peter Erickson and Clark Hulse
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania, c2000
Monographic text

Early music America - the magazine of historical performance
Cleveland, Ohio - Early Music America, Inc., 1995-

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