Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 664 of 1699       

Popular culture in libraries
Binghamton ; New York - Haworth Press, 1993-

The popular educator / edited by Lingard Loud
v. - ill. ; 22 cm. (Settimanale)

Popular music and society
Bowling Green - State University Sociology Department, I, 1972

Popular photography
Chicago - Ziff Davis publishing co

Population and development review
New York - Population council, 1975-

Population and economic change in East Asia / C. Y. Cyrus Chu, Ronald Lee editors
New York - Population Council, c2000
Monographic text

Population and vital statistics report / Department of international economic and social affairs, Statistical office
New York - United Nations, 1949-

Population bulletin / United Nations, Department of Social Affairs, Population Division
New York - United Nations, 1951-

A population history of North America / edited by Michael R. Haines, Richard H. Steckel
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 2000
Monographic text

Population newsletter
n.1(April 1968)-

New York - United Nations Fund for Population Activities, 1974-

Populi - populations, profit et réflexion planétaire - la revue du FNUAP / (Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population)
New York - (s. n., 1992)-

Populist seduction in Latin America - the Ecuadorian experience / Carlos de la Torre
Athens - Ohio university center for international studies, c2000
Monographic text

Porcelain stories - from China to Europe / a cura di Julie Emerson, Jennifer Chen, Mimi Gardner Gates
Seattle - Seattle Art Museum in association with University of Washington Press, ©2000
Monographic text

Porous media - physics, models, simulation - proceedings of the international conference, Moscow, Russia, 19-21 november 1997 / editors by A. Dmitrievsky, M. Panfilov
Singapore - World Scientific, 2000
Monographic text

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