Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 837 of 1699       

Wars dirty secret - rape, prostitution, and other crimes against women / Anne Llewellyn Barstow (ed.)
Cleveland - Pilgrim Press, 2000
Monographic text

The wars of independence in Spanish America / Christon I. Archer, editor
Wilmington - Scholarly resources, 2000
Monographic text

Washington and lee law review
Lexington - Washington and Lee University, School of law

The Washington Post and Times Herald
Washington - s.n. , 1954-

The WASHINGTON quarterly / Center for Strategie and International Studies
Washington - Center for Strategic and International Studies, 1978-

Washington state university. College of agriculture. Research center
Pullman - (s.n.), 1976 -

Washington University journal of law & policy
Vol. 1(1999/2000)-

The Wasmann journal of biology
San Francisco - s.n.

Waste management - international journal of integrated waste management, science and technology
New York ; Oxford - Pergamon press, 1989- .- v. - ill. ; 28 cm (, 1989- .- v. - ill. (Escono 10 fasc. l'anno)

Wastewater treatment / edited by David H. F. Liu, Bela G. Liptak ; Paul A. Bouis special consultant
Boca Raton etc. - Lewis publishers, c2000
Monographic text

Water & wastewater international - groundwater, wastewater, irrigation, water supply
Tulsa, OK - Penn Well, 1985-

Water chlorination - environmental impact and health effects - proceedings of the Conference on the environmental impact of water chlorination
Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor science, 1978-
Monographic text

Water distribution systems handbook / Larry W. Mays, editor in chief
New York etc. - McGraw-Hill, 2000
Monographic text

Water engineering & management
Des Plaines(IL) - Scranton Gillette communications, 1981-2001

Water environment research - (a research publication of the Water environment federation, formerly the Water pollution control federation)
Alexandria (VA) - WEF, 1992-

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