Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2000

Page no. 840 of 1699       

Web-based communications, the internet, and distance education / edited by Michael G. Moore and Geoffrey T. Cozine
Pennsylvania - America Center, 2000
Monographic text

Websights - the future of business and design on the internet / writers Steve Bodow ... °and othersé ; editor Katherine Nelson ; book design Christa Skinner
New York - RC Publications, °2000é
Monographic text

Webster's third new international dictionary unabridged
Springfield - Merriam-Webster, 2000
Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0190355)
Webworks- navigation / edited and with an introduction by Ken Coupland
Gloucester - Rockport, c2000
Monographic text

Wednesday, March 8, 2000
Washington - OSA, c2000
It's a part of > Technical digest
Monographic text

Weed technology
Vol.1, n.1(1987)-

WEFA industrial monitor
New York etc. - J. Wiley & sons, 1997-

The weight of nations - material outflows from industrial economies / Emily Matthews ... (and others)
Washington - World resources institute, ©2000
Monographic text

Weimar - a jurisprudence of crisis / Arthur J. Jacobson and Bernhard Schlink editors ; translated by Belinda Cooper with Peter C. Caldwell ... °and others
Berkeley, CA °etc. - University of California press, c2000
Monographic text

Welding design and fabrication
Cleveland (Oh.) - Industrial publ

Welding journal
Easton - The American welding society, 1937-

1- the west Indies , British Honduras, Hong Kong, Fiji, Cyprus, Gibraltar, and the Falklands
Wesport (etc. - Greenwood, 2000
It's a part of > ?8- The ?end of empire - dependencies since 1948 / edited by Frederick Madden.
Monographic text

West Virginia law review
Morgantown - West Virginia University Law Center

West's north eastern reporter - cases argued and determined in the courts of..
St. Paul (Minn.) - Thomson ; West, 1988-

West's north western reporter - second series - cases argued and determined in the courts of...
St. Paul (Minn.) - Thomson ; West, 1988-

Western Advertisinga
San Francisco - Court & Oppenheim

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