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Physics of medical imaging - 13-15 February 2000, San Diego, California / James T. Dobbins III, John M. Boone chairs/editors ; sponsored by SPIE-The International society for optical engineering Bellingham (Wash.) - SPIE, c2000 Monographic text Medicine Crow, Joseph From the heart of the Crow country - the Crow indians own stories / Joseph Medicine Crow ; foreword by Herman J. Viola Lincoln ; London - University of Nebraska press, 2000 Monographic text Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir Beytrage zur Pflanzen-Anatomie, Pflanzen-Physiologie ... / Friedrich Kasimir Medikus Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Medikus, Friedrich Kasimir Geschichte der Botanik unserer Zeiten / Friedrich Kasimir Medikus Naples, Fl. - NewsBank Readex Monographic text Medina Smith, Emilio J. Is the export-led growth hypothesis valid for developing countries? - a case study of Costa Rica / by Emilio J. Medina-Smith New York ; Geneva - United nations, 2001 Monographic text Medinets, David PHP3 - programming browser-based applications / David Medinets New York (etc.) - MGraw-Hill, c2000 Monographic text Medoff, Rafael Historical dictionary of zionism / Rafael Medoff and Chaim I. Waxman Chicago ; London - Fitzroy Dearborn, c2000 Monographic text Medvedev, Roj Aleksandrovic Post-Soviet Russia - a journey through the Yeltsin era / Roy Medvedev New York - Columbia university press, c2000 Monographic text Medvedev, Roj Aleksandrovic Postsoviet Russia - a journey through the Yeltsin era / Roy Medvedev ; translated and edited by George Shriver New York - Columbia university press, c2000 Monographic text Medwid, Linda M. The makers of classical archaeology - a reference work / Linda M. Medwid Amherst, NY - Humanity books, 2000 Monographic text Meeks, Kenneth Driving while black - higways, shopping malls, taxicass. sidewalks - how to fight back if you are a victim of racial profiling / Kenneth Meeks New York - Broadway Books, 2000 Monographic text Meeropol, Michael Surrender - how the Clinton administration completed the Reagan revolution / Michael Meeropol Ann Arbor (MI) - The University of Michigan press, 2000 Monographic text Megargee, Geoffrey P. Inside Hitler's high command / Geoffrey P. Megargee ; foreword by Williamson Murray Lawrence - University Press of Kansas, c2000 Monographic text Mehlman, Jeffrey Émigré New York - French intellectuals in wartime Manhattan, 1940-1944 / by Jeffrey Mehlman Baltimore ; London - Johns Hopkins University Press, ©2000 Monographic text Mehlmann, Alexander The games afoot - game theory in myth and paradox / Alexander Mehlmann ; translated by David Kramer (Providence) - AMS, c2000 Monographic text |