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Gaithersburg, Maryland - Aspen, c2001 Monographic text Ferroelectrics New York etc. - Gordon and Breach, 1970- Magazine 4- Ferroelectrics and dielectrics San Diego etc. - Academic press, 2001 It's a part of > Handbook of advanced electronic and photonic materials and devices / edited by Hari Singh Nalwa ; (foreword by Nicolaas Bloembergen) Monographic text Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region - standard country report - New Zealand / by Kim Johnstone ... °and others New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2001 Monographic text Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region - standard country report - Slovenia / Dunja Obersnel Kveder...(and others) New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2001 Monographic text Fertility and sterility - a journal devoted to the clinical aspects of infertility - official journal of the American society for the study of sterility Birmingham (etc.) - American fertility society, 1950- Magazine A festschrift in honor of George Stoney / (testi di Barbara Abrash ... and others Athens (Ohio) - Ohio university college of fine arts, ©2001 It's a part of > Wide angle - a film quarterly of theory, criticism and practice Monographic text Fetal homeostasis - Proceedings of the ... conference New York - The New York Academy of Sciences, 1965- Monographic text A few from building E39 - papers in syntax, semantics and their interface - a volume dedicated by Wayne O'Neil / edited by Elena Guerzoni and Ora Matushansky Cambridge (Mass.) - MITWPL, 2001 Monographic text La Fiaccola - the Italian christian advocate - a weekly periodical for Italian immigrants devoted to the cause of religious moral and civic reform New York - F.H.Wright Magazine Fiaf international filmArchive database (The place of publication is not referred) - Fiaf - Silverplatter, c2001- Magazine 4- Fiber optics and nonlinear optics New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, 2001 It's a part of > Handbook of optics / sponsored by the Optical society of America ; Michael Bass, editor in chief... (et al.) Monographic text The Fibonacci quarterly - the official journal of the Fibonacci Association (Santa Clara, CA) - Fibonacci Association, 1963- Magazine Fibrinogen - 16. International fibrinogen workshop / edited by Willem Nieuwenhuizen, Michael W. Mosesson, and Moniek P. M. de Maat New York - The New York Academy of sciences, 2001 It's a part of > Annals of the New York academy of sciences Monographic text Fichier Augustinien / Institut des Études Augustiniennes, Paris Boston - Hall, 1972- Monographic text |