Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2001

Page no. 600 of 1542       

Newsletter / World council of indigenous peoples
Lethbridge - WCIP, 1982-

Newsletter of the American Musical Instrument Society
Malden, MA - American musical instrument society, 1971-

Newsletter of the viola d'amore Society of America
Sunnyside, NY - Society, 1977-

Detroit, Mich. - Gale Research, c1988

NewsNet / American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
Stanford, CA. - AAASS

Newsweek - the international newsmagazine
New York - Newsweek

The next generation of electric power unit commitment models / editors, Benjamin F. Hobbs ... (and others)
Boston (etc.) - Kluwer academic publishers, c2001
Monographic text

NGOs and human rights - promise and performance / edited by Claude E. Welch, jr.
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001
Monographic text

Nicene christianity - the future for a new ecumenism / edited by Christopher Seitz
Grand Rapids - Brazos press, c2001
Monographic text

NIDA research monograph
Rockville, MD - National institute on drug abuse, 1976-

The nidoviruses (coronaviruses and arteriviruses) / edited by Ehud Lavi, Susan R. Weiss ans Susan T. Hingley
New York (N.Y.) etc. - KluwerAcademic/Plenum, c2001
It's a part of > Advances in experimental medicine and biology - AEMB
Monographic text

Nietzsche / edited by John Richardson and Brian Leiter
Oxford - Oxford University Press, 2001
Monographic text

Nietzsches legacy for education - past and present values / edited by MichaelPeters, James Marshall and Paul Smeyers
Westport - London - Bergin & Garvey, 2001
Monographic text

NIH data book - basic data relating to the National Institutes of Health
Bethesda - Department of health and human services, 1961-

Nineteenth century fiction
Los Angeles, 1957-.

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