Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2001

Page no. 728 of 1542       

Seeking Mahadevi - constructing the identities of the Hindu Great Goddess / edited by Tracy Pintchman
Albany - State university of New York press, ©2001
Monographic text

Seeking the center - politics and policymaking at the new century / Martin A. Levin, Marc K. Landy and Martin Shapiro, editors
Washington - Georgetown University Press, c2001
Monographic text

SEEL - Survey of East European Law
Yonkers (N.Y.) - Juris publishing

Segulat Israel - rivista pubblicata dalla Società Segulat Israel
New York - Segulat Israel, 1993-

Seismic interpretation series / published by the Society of exploration geophysicists
Tulsa, OK - Society of exploration geophysisicists, 1989-

Seismic performance of pile-wharf connections / Charles W. Roeder ... (and others)
Berkeley - Pacific earthquake engineering research center - College of engineering - University of California, 2001
It's a part of > PEER Report / Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Monographic text

Seismic response analysis of highway overcrossings including soil-structure interaction / Jian Zhang and Nicos Makris
Berkeley - Pacific earthquake engineering research center, College of engineering, University of California, 2001
It's a part of > PEER Report / Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Monographic text

Seismic shifts - the economic impact of demographic change / editors- Jane Sneddon Little, Robert K. Triest
Boston - Federal reserve bank of Boston, 2001
Monographic text

Seismological research letters / Seismological society of America
El Cerrito, Ca. - SSA

Sarasota (Florida)

Select editions / selected and edited by Reader's Digest
Pleasantville, N.Y. - Reader's Digest Association, 1997-

2- Selected country studies / Edited by Gyorgy Szell
Burlington - Gower, c2001
It's a part of > European Labour Relations / Edited by Gyorgy Szell
Monographic text

Selected papers on classical analysis / Katsumi Nomizu editor
Providence - American Mathematical Society, c2001
Monographic text

Selected readings in plastic surgery / The University of Texas health science center, Baylor university medical center
Dallas (TX) - Selected readings in plastic surgery,

Selected reports in ethnomusicology
Los Angeles - University of California, Department of ethnomusicology and systematic musicology.

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