Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2001

Page no. 1191 of 1542       

Kennard, Joseph Spencer
The Italian theatre
New York - Blom, 1964- .
Monographic text

Kennedy, Adrienne
The Adrienne Kennedy reader / Adrienne Kennedy ; introduction by Werner Sollors
Minneapolis ; London - University of Minnesota Press, 2001
Monographic text

Kennedy, Daniel E.
The truth about the sin disease connection / Daniel E. Kennedy
Chula Vista - Interpacific Press, 2001
Monographic text

Kennedy, James
Swarm intelligence / James Kennedy, Russell C. Eberhart ; with Yuhui Shi
San Francisco (etc. - Morgan Kaufmann, ©2001
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
John F. Kennedy - the great crises / Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, general editors
New York (etc. - Norton, ©2001
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
1- July 30-August 1962 / Timothy Naftali, editor
New York (etc. - Norton, ©2001
It's a part of > John F. Kennedy - the great crises / Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, general editors
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
3- October 22-28, 1962 / Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, editors
New Tork (etc. - Norton, ©2001
It's a part of > John F. Kennedy - the great crises / Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, general editors
Monographic text

Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
2- September-October 21, 1962 / Timothy Naftali and Philip Zelikow, editors
New York (etc. - Norton, ©2001
It's a part of > John F. Kennedy - the great crises / Philip Zelikow and Ernest May, general editors
Monographic text

Kennedy, Ruth Lee
Studies in Tirso
Chapel Hill - University of North Carolina-Department of Romance languages, 1974- .
Monographic text

Kenneth Spencer research library - Department of special coll ections
A catalogue of the Ellis collection of ornithological books in the University of Kansas Libraries / compiled by Robert M. Mengel ...
Lawrence - University of Kansas Libraries, 1972- .
It's a part of > University of Kansas publications. #,Library series .
Monographic text

Kennett, David
A new view of comparative economic systems / David Kennett
Fort Worth - Harcourt College, ©2001
Monographic text

Kennon, George F.
Soviet-American relations, 1917-1920
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University Press, 1958- .
Monographic text

Kennon, Kevin
The Rodin Museum, Seoul - Kevin Kennon of Kohn Pedersen Fox ; with essays by Ruth Butler and Mario Gandelsonas
New York - Princeton Architectural Press, c2001
Monographic text

Kenny Barron Trio (gruppo musicale)
Live at Bradleys / Kenny Barron Trio (Kenny Barron, piano; Ray Drummond, double bass, Ben Riley, drums)
(Chicago) - Emarcy, (2001)
Audio recording

Kenny, Robert
Teaching tv production in a digital world - integrating media literacy - student workbook / Robert Kenny
Westport ; London - Libraries unlimited, 2001
Monographic text

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