Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2002

Page no. 168 of 1533       

Biotechnology and bioengineering
New York, NY - Wiley (etc. , 1962-

Biotechnology directory / Jim Coombs ; Y. R. Alston
New York - Nature Press, 1985-

Biotechnology newswatch - international business bulletin of the biotechnology industries
New York - McGraw-Hill, - v. ; 28 cm

Biotechnology progress
Washington, DC - American chemical society ; New York - American institute of chemical engineers, 1985-

Biotechnology therapeutics. -
Periodico - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU PUV 0248350)
Bioterrorism / guest editors Robert G. Darling ... and others
Philadelphia (PA) etc. - W. B. Saunders, 2002
It's a part of > Emergency medicine clinics of North America
Monographic text

Biotherapeutic approaches to asthma / edited by Jan M. Agosti, Albert L. Sheffer
New York ; Basel - Dekker, 2002
Monographic text

Biotropica - a publication of the Association for tropical biology
Washington - Association for tropical biology

Bipolar disorder - a cognitive therapy approach / Cory F. Newman ... (and others)
Washington, DC - American Psychological Association, c2002
Monographic text

Bird- Charlie Parker - original motion picture soundtrack
(New York) - Columbia/Legacy, (2002) c1988
Audio recording

Birth - issues in perinatal care
Malden (Mass) - Wiley-Blackwell, 1982-

Birth defects original article series
New York - A. R. Liss, 1965-

The birth of a nation / directed by D. W. Griffith
New York - Kino on video, c2002
It's a part of > Griffith masterworks
Monographic text

The birth of the Grand Old Party - the Republicans' first generation / edited by Robert F. Engs and Randall M. Miller ; afterword by James M. McPherson
Philadelphia - Penn, University of Pennsylvania Press, c2002
Monographic text

Birthing in the Pacific - beyond tradition and modernity? / Edited by Vicki Lukere and Margaret Jolly
Honolulu - University of Hawai'i Press, c2002
Monographic text

Bishop Museum occasional papers
Vol. 26 (May 1986)-

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