Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2002

Page no. 289 of 1533       

Earthquake spectra - the professional journal of the Earthquake engineering research institute
Berkeley, Ca. - EERI

East Asia - an international quarterly
Piscataway (N.J.) - Transaction periodicals consortium Rutgers university, ©1998-

7- East Asia - China, Japan, and Korea / Robert C. Provine, Yosihiko Tokumaru, and J. Lawrence Witzleben editors ; Andrew P. Killick, Frederick Lau, and Tuneko Tukitani associate editors ; Helen Rees, Margaret Sarkissian, Barbara Smith, and Osamu Yamaguti consulting editors
New York ; London - Routledge, 2002
It's a part of > The Garland encyclopedia of world music / °advisory editors, Bruno Nettl and Ruth M. Stone ; founding editors, James Porter and Timothy Rice
Monographic text

East Asia and the United States - an encyclopedia of relations since 1784 / edited by James I. Matray
Westport ; London - Greenwood press, 2002
Monographic text

The East Asian library journal
Vol. 8., n. 1 (spring 1998)- Princeton - The Gest library of Princeton university

East central Europe
Bakersfield - Arizona State University, 1974-

East Europe - a monthly review of East European affairs
New York, 1957-

East European Constitutional Review / quarterly published by New York University School of Law and Centrql European University
Chicago - University of Chicago Law School, 1992-2003

East European economic assessment - a compendium of papers submitted to the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States
Washington - U.S. Government printing office, 1981-19
Monographic text

East Side Review - a magazine of contemporary culture
New York - East Side Press Inc., 1966.- 28 cm.

East west natural health - the guide to well-being
Brookline Village, MA - East west partners, 1992-

East-West film journal
Honolulu - East-West centre, 1986-

The East-West journal
New York - East-West institute, 1958-

Eastern economic journal
New york - Eastern Economic Association, 1974-

19- Eastern Europe (General), Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary - january 1949-december 1949 / editor Denis Smyth
(The place of publication is not referred) - University publications of America, c2002
It's a part of > ?Ser. F- ?Europe / editor Denis Smyth
Monographic text

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