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Westport (CT) ; London - Greenwood Press, 2003 It's a part of > Encyclopedia of tariffs and trade in U.S. history / edited by Cynthia Clark Northrup and Elaine C. Prange Turney Monographic text The debt trap in Nigeria - towards a sustainable debt strategy / edited by Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Charles C. Soludo, and Mansur Muhtar Trenton, NJ ; Asmara - Africa World Press, 2003 Monographic text Decay and renewal / by the Environmental Inquiry Leadership Team, Nancy M. Trautmann... (and others) ; with teachers, Harry Canning... (et al.) ; and Cornell scientists, Bennett Kottler, Stephen Penningroth, Adam Welman Arlington - NSTA Press, c2003 Monographic text Decennial digest - American digest system - a complete digest of all decisions of the State and Federal Courts as reported in the national reporter system and the state reports St. Paul, Minn. - West publishing, 1992- Magazine Deciphering cyberspace - making the most of digital communication technology / Leonard Shyles Tousand Oaks - Sage , c2003 Monographic text Decision sciences - journal of innovative education / a journal of the Decision Sciences Institute Malden, Mass. - Blackwell, c2003- Magazine Decisions of the United States Supreme Court / by the editorial staff United States Supreme Court reports, Lawyers' edition Rochester, N. Y. - The Lawyers co-operative publishing co. ; San Francisco - Bancroft-Whitney, N. Y. - The Lawyers co-operative publishing co. Magazine Decolonisation - publication du reportement des affaires politiques, de la tutelle et de la decolonisation de l'organisation des Nations Unies v. (Periodicità non determinata) Magazine Decolonizing the academy - African diaspora studies / editor Carole Boyce Davies ; with Meredith Gadsby, Charles Peterson & Henrietta Williams Trenton ; Asmara - Africa world press, (2003) Monographic text The Dedham transcript Dedham - The transcript press Magazine 1- Deduction / Alexander Bain Boston - Adamant media corporation, 2003 It's a part of > Logic / Alexander Bain Monographic text Deepwater petroleum exploration & production - a nontechnical guide / William L. Leffler, Richard Pattarozzti, Gordon Sterling Tulsa - PennWell, ©2003 Monographic text Defending Europe - the EU, NATO and the quest for european autonomy / edited by Jolyon Howorth and John T.S. Keeler New York - Palgrave MacMillan, 2003 Monographic text Deflation - determinants, risks, and policy options / Manmohan S. Kumar ... and others Washington D.C. - International Monetary Fund, 2003 Monographic text Defying Gravity- contemporary art and flight / Huston Paschal, Linda Johnson Dougherty co-curators ; with contributions by Robert Wohl, Anne Collins Goodyear, and Laura M. André Raleigh - North Carolina Museum of Art, 2003 Monographic text |