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The facility manager's handbook / by Joseph F. Gustin Lilburn (GA) - Fairmont Press ; New York - M. Dekker, c2003 Monographic text Guthke, Karl Siegfried Epitaph culture in the West - variations on a theme in cultural history / Karl S. Guthke Lewiston, N.Y. - Edwin Mellen Press, ©2003 Monographic text Guthrie, William P. The later thirty years war - from the battle of Wittstock to the Treaty of Westphalia / William P. Guthrie Westport (Conn.) ; London - Greenwood, 2003 Monographic text Gutierrez, Jose A. Low-rate wireless personal area networks - enabling wireless sensors with IEEE 802.15.4 / Jose A. Gutierrez, Edgar H. Callaway, Jr., Raymond L. Barrett, Jr New York - IEEE Press, 2003 Monographic text Gutmann, Amy Identity in democracy / Amy Gutmann Princeton, N. J. and Oxford - Princeton University press Monographic text Guy, Dan M. Wiley practitioner's guide to GAAS - 2003 - covering all SASs, SSAEs, SSARSs, and interpretations / Dan M. Guy, D. R. Carmichael, Linda A. Lach Somerset, NJ - J. Wiley, c2003 Monographic text Guy, Kollen M. When Champagne became French - wine and the making of a national identity / Kollen M. Guy Baltimore (etc.) - Johns Hopkins university press, ©2003 Monographic text Guzman, Alberto Derivatives and integrals of multivariable functions / Alberto Guzman Boston (etc.) - Birkhäuser, ©2003 Monographic text Gwathmey Siegel & associates architects Gwathmey Siegel - buildings and projects 1992-2002 / edited by Brad Collins ; introduction by Robert A. M. Stern New York - Rizzoli international, c2003 Monographic text Gwin, Catherine Sharing knowledge - innovations and remaining challenges, an OED evaluation / Catherine Gwin Washington, D.C. - World bank, 2003 Monographic text Gy, Pierre Marie The reception of Vatican 2. - liturgical reforms in the life of the Church / Pierre-Marie Gy (The place of publication is not referred) - Marquette, 2003 Monographic text Gödel, Kurt Collected works / Kurt Gödel New York - Oxford university press ; Oxford - Clarendon press, 1986- Monographic text Görke, Andreas Das Kitab al-amwal des Abu ?Ubaid al-Qasim b. Sallam - Entstehung und U¨berlieferung eines fru¨hislamischen Rechtswerkes / Andreas Go¨rke Princeton (N.J.) - Darwin Press, 2003 Monographic text Haack, Susan Defending science - within reason - between scientism and cynicism / Susan Haack Amherst, NY - Prometheus Books, 2003 Monographic text Haagerup, U. Banach embedding properties of non-commutative L(p)-spaces / U. Haagerup, H. P. Rosenthal, F. A. Sukochev Providence, R. I. - AMS, 2003 Monographic text |