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Nonlinear analysis - real world applications - an international multidisciplinary journal New York - Pergamon, 2000- Magazine 19/21- Nonlinear and Kalman filtering techniques Orlando (etc.) - Academic Press, 1984 It's a part of > Control and dynamic systems - advances in theory and applications / edited by C.T. Leondes Monographic text Nonlinear dynamics, psychology, and life sciences Pewaukee - Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences Magazine Nonlinear science today New York - Springer-Verlag, 1991- Magazine Nonlinear signal and image processing - theory, methods, and applications / edited by Kenneth E. Barner, Gonzalo R. Arce Boca Raton (etc.) - Crc Press, ©2004 Monographic text Nonlinear signal and image processing - theory, methods, and applications / edited by Kenneth E. Barner, Gonzalo R. Arce Monografia - Risorsa elettronica (IT ICCU UBO 3139869) Nonlinear studies / International federation of nonlinear analysts Melbourne (FL) - Carfax, 1996- Magazine Nonlinear systems of partial differential equations in applied mathematics / Edited by Nicolaenko, Darryl D. Holm, James M. Hyman Providence - American Mathematical Society, 1986 Monographic text Nonlinear variational problems / A. Marino ... (and others) ; (poi) Antonio Marino & M. K. Venkatesha Murthy (editors) Boston (etc.) - Pitman ; (poi) Harlow - Longman ; New York - Wiley Monographic text nonlinearity in biology - toxicology - medicine Amherst, MA - Amherst Scientific Publishers, 2003- Magazine Nonprofit almanac ... - dimensions of the independent sector San Francisco - Jossey-Bass Magazine Nonprofit management & leadership San Francisco (CA) - Jossey-Bass Magazine The nonprofit quarterly Boston - Massachussets Health Research Institute, 1999- Magazine The Nonprofit times - the leading business publication for nonprofit management Cedar Knolls (NJ) - NPT publishing group Magazine Nonprofit world - the national nonprofit leadership and management journal Madison (WI) - Society for nonprofit organization Magazine Nonpulmonary critical care / Mark D. Siegel guest editor Philadelphia (etc.) - W. B. Saunders, 2003 It's a part of > Clinics in chest medicine Monographic text |