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Midrasei Filon - ve-hem midrasei ha-Tora min ha-qedumin be-yoter niktavo be-Aleksandriya bi-tequfat bait seni lifnei /arikat ha-Misna u-midrasei ha-Tana/im - kolel liqutim mi-Sefer 'Se/lot u-tesuvot' u-se/ar kitvei Filon, meturgamim le-/Ivrit me-Armenit u-mi-yevanit - /im be/urim ve-hasva/ot le-sifrut Hazal / /al-yidei Semu/el Belkin - ne/erku El/azar Hurviz New York - Hoza/at Yesiva-Universita, 1989- Monographic text Philo - Alexandrinus Philo ; In ten volumes (and two supplementary volumes) / With an English transl. by F.H.Colson London - Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard University Press, 1962- . Monographic text Philo, Chris A geographical history of institutional provision for the insane from medieval times to the 1860s in England and Wales - the space reserved for insanity / Chris Philo Lewiston , Queenston , Lampeter - The Edwin Mellen Press, c2004 Monographic text Phipps, Elena The colonial Andes - tapestries and silverwork, 1530-1830 / Elena Phipps, Johanna Hecht, and Christina Esteras Martin ; with contributions by Luisa Elena Alcala ... (and others) New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art ; New Haven - Yale University Press, (2004) Monographic text Phish (gruppo musicale) Undermind / Phish New York - Elektra, (2004) Audio recording Physics education research conference (Madison. ; 2003) 2003 physics education research conference - Madison, Wisconsin 6-7 August 2003/ Jeffrey Marx, Scott Franklin,...(and others) editors Melville, New York - AIP, c2004 Monographic text Piazza, Rod Keepin' it real / Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers San Francisco - Blind Pig Records, (2004) Audio recording Picasso, Pablo The Final years - 1970-1973 / (Pablo Picasso) San Francisco - A. Wofsy fine arts, 2004 It's a part of > Picasso's paintings, watercolors, drawings and sculpture - a comprehensive illustrated catalogue 1885-1973 Monographic text Piccione, Peter A. The historical development of the game of Senet and its signifiance for egyptian religion / Peter A. Piccione Monographic text Pick, Lucy K. Conflict and coexistence - archbishop Rodrigo and the Muslims and Jews of medieval Spain / Lucy K. Pick Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan press, c2004 Monographic text Pick, Nancy The rarest of the rare - stories behind the treasures at the Harvard Museum of Natural History / introduction by Edward O. Wilson ; text by Nancy Pick ; photographs by Mark Sloan New York - Harper Collins, c2004 Monographic text Pickerill, J. Mitchell Constitutional deliberation in congress - the impact of judicial review in a separated system / J. Mitchell Pickerill Durham - Duke University press, 2004 Monographic text Pickering Thomas, Nancy Information literacy and information skills instruction - applying research to practice in the School library media center / Nancy Pickering Thomas Westport, Connecticut ; London - Libraries Unlimited, 2004 Monographic text Pickett, Rex Sideways / Rex Pickett New York - St. Martin?s Griffin, c2004 Monographic text Pickthal, Barry Lighthouse of north America / Barry Pickthal and others. Edison (USA) - Chartwell books, 2004 Monographic text |