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New York - Oxford University press, c2005 Monographic text English literature 1660-1800 - A bibliography of modern studies / compiled for Philological Quarterly by Ronald S. Crane ... (and others) Princeton - Princeton University Press Monographic text English teaching forum - A journal for the teachers of english outside the United States Washington - U.S. Information Agency, 1963- Magazine 2- The english translation Piscataway - Gorgias press, 2005 It's a part of > Apocryphal acts of the apostles / edited from manuscripts in the British museum and other libraries by W. Wright Monographic text Enhanced methods in computer security, biometric and artificial intelligence systems / edited by Jerzy Pejas, Andrzej Piegat New York - Springer (etc.), c2005 Monographic text Enhancing participation and governance in water resources management - conventional approaches and information technology / edited by Libor Jansky and Juha I. Uitto Tokyo (etc.) - united Nations University, c2005 Monographic text Enoch and Qumran origins - new light on a forgotten connection / edited by Gabriele Boccaccini ; associate editors J. Harold Ellens and James Alan Waddell ; with the collaboration of Jason von Ehrenkrook, Ronald Ruark and Aaron Brunell Grand Rapids (Michigan) ; Cambridge (U.K.) - W. B. Eerdmans, c2005 Monographic text Enquete demographique et de sante'. Niger Niamey - Niger Direction de la Statistique et des Comptes Nationaux ; Calverton - Macro International, 1992- Magazine ENR - engineering news record New York, N.Y. - McGraw-Hill, 1987- Magazine Enterprise & society - the international journal of business history New York - published by Oxford University press for the Business history conference, 2000- Magazine Entomological news Philadelphia (PA) - The American entomological society, 1890- Magazine The entomologist's record and journal of variation V. 1 (1890/91)- Magazine Entrepreneurship theory and practice Vol.13, N.1(Fall 1988)- Magazine Environment - where science and policy meet Washington - Heldref publications Magazine Environment and development economics New York etc. - Cambridge university press, 1996- Magazine |