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West Hoboken - S.n. , 1915- (New York - association of foregin language newspapers world building) Magazine Gear technology Elk Grove Village (Il.) - Randall publ Magazine Gee's Bend Quilts - 19 May-22 July 2005 New York - Ameringer Yohe Fine Art, 2005 Monographic text Gegen den Strom / Hrsg. R. Bek-gran New York - (s.n. , 1938- Magazine GEN - Genetic engineering news New York - M. A. Liebert Magazine Gender & society / Official publication of Sociologists for women in society Newbury Park (etc.) - Sage, 1987- Magazine Gender and planning - a reader / edited by Susan S. Fainstein and Lisa J. Servon New Brunswick - Rutgers University Press, c2005 Monographic text Gender and psychoanalysis Madison - International University Press, 1996- Magazine Gender and sexuality in the middle ages - a medieval source documents reader / edited by Martha A. Brozyna Jefferson, NC (etc.) - McFarland, c2005 Monographic text Gender and slave emancipation in the Atlantic world / edited by Pamela Scully and Diana Paton Durham ; London - Duke University Press, 2005 Monographic text Gender archievements and prospects in education / UNICEF Monographic text Gender differences in mathematics - an integrative psychological approach / edited by Ann M. Gallagher, James C. Kaufman New York °etc. - Cambridge university press, 2005 Monographic text Gender in motion - divisions of labor and cultural change in late imperial and modern China / edited by Bryna Goodman and Wendy Larson Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, c2005 Monographic text Gender issues New Brunswick (N.J.) - Transaction periodical consortium, 1998- Magazine Gender, conflict and peacekeeping / edited by Dyan Mazurana, Angela Raven-Roberts and Jane Parpart Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, c2005 Monographic text |