Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2005

Page no. 1434 of 1445       

Woolrych, Humphrey W.
A treatise of the law of waters - including the law relating to rights in the sea, and rights concerning rivers, canals, dock companies, fisheries, mills, watercourses, etc., with a note concerning the rights of the crown to the land between high and low water mark / by Humphrey W. Woolrych
Clark, N.J. - The lawbook exchange, 2005
Monographic text

Workers Armed Defense Group
Hammer Sickled Rifle - organ of the Workers Armed Defense Group
(The place of publication is not referred - s.n. , 1970

Workshop on spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary and decomposition of manifolds (2003 ; Roskilde)
Spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary and decomposition of manifolds - proceedings of the workshop on spectral geometry of manifolds with boundary and decomposition of manifolds, Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark, August 6-9, 2003 / Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek, Gerd Grubb, Krzysztof P. Wojciechowski, editors
Providence - AMS, c2005
Monographic text

World aquaculture society
World aquaculture
Baton Rouge - World Aquaculture Society, 1988-

The World Bank
Afghanistan-state building, sustaining growth, and reducing poverty / World Bank
Washington, D.C. - The World Bank, c2005
Monographic text

The World Bank
A guide to competitive vouchers in health / the World Bank
Washington - The World Bank, 2005
Monographic text

The World Bank
World development report 2006 - Equity and development / (World Bank)
Washington - World bank ; New York - Oxford university press, 2005
It's a part of > World development report
Monographic text

World conference on Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures (ERES) (5. ; 2005 ; Skiathos)
Earthquake resistant engineering structures 5. / editors C.A. Brebbia ... (and others)
Southampton ; Boston - Wit, (2005)
Monographic text

World equine airways symposium (3. ; 2005 ; Ithaca)
World equine airways symposium - July 20-22, 2005 - at he College of veterinary medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
(Ithaca) - Cornell university, (2005)
Monographic text

Worldwatch institute
State of the world ... - a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / project director Lester R. Brown ... (and others)
New York (etc.) - Norton, 1984-

Worldwatch institute
State of the world 2005 - Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society / Michael Renner, Hilary French and Erik Assadourian project directors ; Lori Brown ... °and others editor
New York - Norton, c2005
Monographic text

Worldwatch institute
Vital signs 2005 - the trends that are shaping our future / Worldwatch Institute ; Lisa Mastny, project director ... (and others
New York - W.W. Norton, c2005
Monographic text

Worley, Alec
Empires of the imagination - a critical survey of fantasy cinema from Georges Melies to The lord of the rings / Alec Worley ; foreword by Brian Sibley
Jefferson, N.C. - McFarland, 2005
Monographic text

Wranovics, John
Chaplin and Agee - the untold story of the tramp, the writer, and the lost screenplay / John Wranovics
New York - Palgrave Macmillian, 2005
Monographic text

Wrathmell, Susan
Leeds / Susan Wrathmell with John Minnis ; with contributions by Janet Douglas ... (and others
New Haven ; London - Yale University press, 2005
Monographic text

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