Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2006

Page no. 127 of 1406       

Assessment of chloramine and chlorine residual decay in the distribution system / prepared by- Zaid K. Chowdhury ... (and others)
Denver (CO) - AWWARF, c2006
Monographic text

Assessment of progress in the implmementation of the programme of action for LDCs for the decade 2001-2010- *Unctad's contribution to the mid-term review. Progress made, results achieved and lessons learned / United Nations Conferenze on Trade and Development
New York and Geneva - United Nations, 2006
Monographic text

Assessments of regional and global environmental risks - designing processes for the effective use of science in decisionmaking / edited by Alexander E. Farrell, Jill Jager
Washington DC - Resources for the future, c2006
Monographic text

Asset management planning and reporting options for water utilities / prepared by Mike Matichich ... (and others)
Denver, CO - AWWARF, c2006
Monographic text

Asset-backed securities / edited by Anand K. Bhattacharya and Frank J. Fabozzi
New York - Frank J. Fabozzi Associates, 1996
Monographic text

Association periodicals
Detroit - Gale research, 1987-
Monographic text

Assur - monographic journals of the Near East
Malibu, California - Undena, 1974-1984

Asthma / guest editor Monica Kraft
Philadelphia (PA) (etc. - Saunders, (c2006
It's a part of > Clinics in chest medicine
Monographic text

Asthma and rhinitis during pregnancy / guest editor Michael Schatz ; consulting editor Rafeul Alam
Philadelphia (PA) (etc.) - Saunders, 2006
Monographic text

ASTP Newsletter
The place of publication is not referred - ASPT, 1987-

Larchmont, NY - Mary Ann Liebert

Astronomical data analysis software and systems 15. - proceedings of a meeting held in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, 2-5 October 2005 / edited by Carlos Gabriel, Christophe Arviset, Daniel Ponz and Enrique Solano
San Francisco - Astronomical Society of the Pacific, c2006
Monographic text

Astronomical Observatory of Georgetown College, D.C. Anuals
New York - s.n. , 1852-

Astronomy reports - a translation of the journal Astronomicheskii zhurnal
Vol. 37(1993)-

The Astrophysical journal / American Astronomical Society
Chicago (IL) - University of Chicago press, 1895-

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