Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2006

Page no. 1400 of 1406       

Young, Neil
Live at the Fillmore East / Neil Young & Crazy Horse ; produced by Paul Rothchild
(Burbank, CA - Reprise, (2006
Audio recording

Young, Neil
Living with war / Neil Young
USA - Reprise Records, c2006
Audio recording

Young, Paul
Paul Young
(New York - Sony BMG music entertainment, 2006
Audio recording

Young, Robert B.
Internationl marketing research - a global project management perspective / Robert B. Young, Rajshekhar G. Javalgi
Harvard - Harvard University, 2006
Monographic text

Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth
Why Arendt matters / Elisabeth Young-Bruehl
New Haven ; London - Yale university press, c2006
Monographic text

Youngs, Richard
Europe and the Middle East - in the shadow of September 11 / Richard Youngs
Boulder ; London - Lynne Rienner, 2006
Monographic text

Yu, Hai-Sui
Plasticity and geotechnics / by Hai-Sui Yu
New York - Springer, c2006
Monographic text

Yue, Meng
Shanghai and the edges of empires / Meng Yue
Minneapolis ; London - University of Minnesota press, c2006
Monographic text

Yuill, Kevin L.
Richard Nixon and the rise of affirmative action - the pursuit of racial equality in an era of limits / by Kevin Yuill
Lanham...(etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, 2006
Monographic text

Yukl, Gary
Leadership in organizations / Gary Yukl
Upper Saddle River - Pearson Prentice Hall, c2006
Monographic text

Yupangui, Diego de Castro, titu cussi (sec. 16.)
History of how the Spaniards arrived in Peru / Titu Cusi Yupanqui
Indianapolis - Cambridge - Hackett, c2006
Monographic text

Yurchak, Alexei
Everything was forever, until it was no more - the last Soviet generation / Alexei Yurchak
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton University press, c2006
Monographic text

Yusuf, Shahid
China's development priorities / Shahid Yusuf ; Kaoru Nabeshima
Washington, DC - World Bank, c2006
Monographic text

Yusuf, Shahid
Under new ownership - privatizing China's state owned enterprises / Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima and Dwight H. Perkins
Stanford - Stanford University Press, c2006
Monographic text

Yusuf, Shaid
Postindustrial East Asian Cities - Innovation for Growth / Shaid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima
Palo Alto ; Washington D.C. - a copublication of Stanford economics and finance, an imprint of Stanford university press, and The world bank, c2006
Monographic text

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