Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 395 of 1377       

International histological classification of tumors of domestic animals
Washington - Armed forces institute of pathology - American registry of pathology and the World health organization collaborating center for comparative oncology
Monographic text

International index to film periodicals / International federation of film archives (FIAF)
New York etc. - R. R. Bowker, ©1973-

4- International intellectual property law and policy / edited by Peter K. Yu
Westport ; London - Praeger, (2007)
It's a part of > Intellectual property and information wealth - issues and practices in the digital age / edited by Peter K. Yu
Monographic text

International jazz archives journal
Vol. 1 n.1 (Fall 1993)-

International jornal of information and communication technology education
Hershey, PA - IGI Publishing, 2005-

International journal for quality in health care / the official journal of the International Society for quality in health care (ISQua)
Oxford - Oxford University Press

The international journal for the psychology of religion
Hillsdale, N. J. - Lawrence Erlbaum associates

International journal of structural stability and dynamics
Singapore - World Scientific, 2001-

The international journal of accounting education and research
Urbana, IL - University of Illinois, Center for international education and research in accounting, 1966-

International journal of adaptive control and signal processing
Chichester ; Wiley and sons,1987-

The international journal of adult orthodontics and orthognathic surgery
Chicago, Ill. - Quintessence, c1986-

The international journal of African historical studies
New York ; Boston - Africana publishing company, 1972-

International journal of aging and human development - a journal of psychosocial gerontology
V. 1, n.1(1973)-

International journal of American linguistics
New York - Columbia University Press, 1917-

International journal of angiology - official journal of the international college of angiology
New York - International College of Angiology, 1992-

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