Publications from the United States
(listed by Author)
Period: 2007

Page no. 644 of 1377       

Quality control in the pharmaceutical industry / ed. by Murray S. Cooper
New York ; London - Academic press, 1972-
Monographic text

Quality in the constructed project - a guide for owners, designers and constructors
New York - ASCE, c1990-
Monographic text

Quality management in health care
Gaithersburg - Aspen

Quality progress - The monthly news magazine of the American Society for Quality Control
Vol.1, n.1(january 1968)-

Quantitative chemical analysis / Daniel C. Harris
New York - Freeman, (2007)
Monographic text

Quantitative environmental risk analysis for human health / Robert A. Fjeld, Norman A. Eisenberg, Keith L. Compton
Hoboken - Wiley, c2007
Monographic text

Quantitative investment analysis / Richard A. DeFusco ... (and others)
Hoboken, N. J. - Wiley
Monographic text

Quantitative management of bond portfolios / Lev Dynkin ... (and others)
Princeton ; Oxford - Princeton university press, c2007
Monographic text

Quantum electronics
Vol. 23, n. 1 (Jan. 1993)-

Quantum groups - proceedings of a conference in memory of Joseph Donin - July 5-12, 2004, Technion-Israel, Institute of technology, Haifa, Israel / Pavel Etingof, Shlomo Gelaki, Steven Shnider eds
Providence - American Mathematical Society, c2007
Monographic text

Quantum information and computation
Princeton - Rinton Press, 2001-

Thee ) quantum structure of space and time - proceedings of the 23rd Solvay conference of physics - Brussels, Belgium 1-3 december 2005 / editors David Gross, Marc Henneaux, Alexander Sevrin
New Jersey ... (and others) - World Scientific, c2007
Monographic text

The Quarterly - expanding frontiers of knowledge in music teaching and learning
Northern Colorado - University of Northern Colorado School of music, 1990

Quarterly bulletin of statistics for Asia and the Pacific / Economic and social commission for Asia and the Pacific
New York - United Nations, 1973-

Quarterly bulletin of the International association of agricultural information specialists
Lexington - Powell etc. , 1990-

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