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El palacio de la medianoche / Carlos Ruiz Zafon New York - Rayo ; (Barcelona) - Planeta, 2008 Monographic text Ruiz, Vicki L. From out of the shadows - mexican women in twentieth-century America / Vicki L. Ruiz Oxford - Oxford university press, 2008 Monographic text Rumelhart, David E. Parallel distributed processing - exploration in the microstructure of cognition / David E. Rumelhart, James L. McClelland and the PDP research group Cam bridge (Mass.) ; London - The MIT press, cop. 1986- Monographic text Rumford, Chris Cosmopolitan spaces - Europe, globalization, theory / Chris Rumford New York ; London - Routledge, 2008 Monographic text Runciman, David Political hypocrisy - the mask of power, from Hobbes to Orwell and beyond / David Runciman Princeton - Princeton University Press, (2008) Monographic text Ruotsila, Markku The origins of Christian anti-internationalism - conservative evangelicals and the League of Nations / Markku Ruotsila Washington - Georgetown university press, 2008 Monographic text Rupp, George Globalization challenged - conviction, conflict, community / George Rupp New York - Columbia university press, 2008 Monographic text Rusconi, Roberto Francis of Assisi in the sources and writings / Roberto Rusconi ; translated from the italian by Nancy Celaschi Saint Bonaventure NY - The Franciscan Institute Saint Bonaventure University, 2008 Monographic text Rushdie, Salman The enchantress of Florence - a novel / Salman Rushdie New York - Random House, 2008 Monographic text Rushdie, Salman The satanic verses - a novel / Salman Rushdie New York - Random House trade paperback, 2008 Monographic text Rushdie, Salman Shame - a novel / Salman Rushdie New York - Random House trade paperback, 2008 Monographic text Rusinow, Dennison I. Yugoslavia - oblique insights and observations / Dennison Rusinow ; essays selected and edited by Gale Stokes ; foreword by Mary Rusinov Pittsburgh, Pa - University of Pittsburgh press, c2008 Monographic text Ruskin, John The seven lamps of architecture / by John Ruskin New York - Grove Press, 2008 Monographic text Russell, Arthur Love is overtaking me / Arthur Russell (New York) - Audika Records, p2008 Audio recording Russell, Craig Paul Coraline / based on the novel by Neil Gaiman ; adapted and illustrated by P. Craig Russel ; Colorist- Lovern Kindzierski ; Letterer- Todd Klein New York - HarperCollins, c2008 Monographic text |