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Boulder (CO) - University of Colorado Magazine Il messaggero - the messenger - weekly Italian newspaper published in both the Italian and English languages New Orleans - (s. n.), 1933- Magazine Il messaggero della salute - rivista mensile d'igiene, di terapia fisio-psichica e di cultura eclettica - organo dell'Associazione Naturopatica Italiana e dell'Associazione Eclettica Universale Chicago, (s.n.) Magazine Il messaggiere italiano dell'Ovest - politica, industria, commercio, letteratura, teatri Chicago - (s.n. (Tip. Italo-americana) Magazine Meta-analysis in stata - an updated collection from the Stata journal / (a cura di) Jonathan A. C. Sterne, H. Joseph Newton, Nicholas J. Cox College Station - StataCorp, (2009) Monographic text Metabolic, pediatric and systemic ophthalmology New York - Opto Ed. inc., 1982- Magazine 3- Metabolism - cellular organization to polymer therapeutics / Tadhg P. Begley, chief advisor Hoboken, N.J. - John Wiley & Sons, c2009 It's a part of > Wiley Encyclopedia of Chemical Biology / von Tadhg P. Begley... (et al.) Monographic text Metabolism - clinical and experimental New York (NY) - Grune & Stratton, 1952- Magazine Metacognition, cognition, and human performance Orlando etc. - Academic press, 1985 - Monographic text Metaethics / edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva Boston - Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 It's a part of > Philosophical issues Monographic text Metal finishing New York- Metal and plastics publications, 1940- Magazine Metal ions in biological systems Vol.1(1974)- Magazine Metal science and heat treatment = Metallovedenie i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov New York - Consultants Bureau, 1963- Magazine Metallurgical and materials transactions B - process metallurgy and materials processing science Warrendale - The minerals, metals & materials society and ASM international, 1994- Magazine Metallurgical and materials transactions. A, physical metallurgy and mate rials science Warrendale - The minerals, metals & materials society and ASM international, 1994- Magazine |