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Dictionary German English
Wörterbuch Deutsch Englisch

angebot: offer
Angebot: tender
Angebot {n}: bid, offer
Angebot {n} und Nachfrage {f}: supply and demand
Angebote {pl}: offerings, propositions
angeboten: offerred, proffered, profferred, offered
Angebotskurs: asked price
angebracht: expedient, appropriate, apposite, advisable
angebrannt: burnt
angebraten: roasted gently
angebrochen: begun
angebrüllt: roared at
angebunden: tethered, fastened
angedeihen: grant to
angedeihend: granting to


L'aforisma... Chi rinuncia alla libertà per raggiungere la sicurezza non merita né la libertà né la sicurezza. (B.Franklin)

Il proverbio... (Cum ames non sapias, aut cum sapias non ames) Quando ami non ragioni e quando ragioni non ami! (Sentenza di Publilio Siro)

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