Dictionary German English
Wörterbuch Deutsch Englisch
Empfangsbestätigungen: acknowledgements of receipt
Empfangschef: receptionist, reception clerk
Empfangsfeld: destination field
Empfangsgerät: receiver terminal, receiving set
Empfangsschalter: reception desk
empfangsseitig: receive-site
Empfangsstation: called station, receiving station
Empfangstag: at home day
Empfangszimmer: reception room
empfängt: receives, receipts, receives empor up
empfehlen: suggest, recommend, to recommend, recommend
empfehlend: commending, proposing, recommending
empfehlende: recommendatory
empfehlenswert: recommendable
Empfehlung: recommendation, referral, commendation
L'esperienza è quel che ci rimane dopo aver perso tutto il resto.
Il proverbio...
Chi va piano va sano e va lontano.
Saggezza orientale...
Il nostro organismo può curarsi nel quotidiano attraverso il controllo dei pensieri