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Dictionary German English
Wörterbuch Deutsch Englisch

nach Sicht: after sight
nach Süden: southwards
nach Südwesten: southwestwardly
nach und nach: little by little, by degrees, bit by bit
nach vorn: onwards, forwards, forwardly
Nachabbildung: after image
nachäffen: ape, monkeying
nachäffend: aping
Nachäffer: copycat
Nachäffungen: mimicries
nachahmbar: imitable
nachahmen: imitate, to copy, emulate, to imitate
nachahmend: Simulating, pantomiming, mimetic, imitating
nachahmende: mimetically, imitatively
Nachahmung: simulation, imitation, imitation, mimicry


L'aforisma... Se i coniugi non vivessero insieme, i buoni matrimoni sarebbero più frequenti.

Il proverbio... Una grande paura nessun medico la cura.

Saggezza orientale... Non ti fidare del fuoco d'amore semispento, perché anche un sospiro può riattivarlo. (Proverbio cinese)